Essay Writer » Essay Blog » Retirement; Mutual Funds versus Stock Market

Retirement; Mutual Funds versus Stock Market

You are required to complete an original 8-10-page research paper (NOT including title page, abstract and references) to complete the course. The research paper must contain the following:

  1. A significant problem, question or issue bearing on U.S. financial markets and institutions,
  2. Research that demonstrates the validity and applicability of the problem, question or issue in the field,
  3. A solution to the problem, question or issue or, if no solution is available, a discussion of alternatives that may be utilized and
  4. At leastfive references:  two from Mergent and Business Source Complete via the library and the remaining from news articles and relevant internet sites.

The research paper must adhere to APA style in all respects.  The paper must be submitted on time.  Late submission receive no credit.

In a WORD document, provide a summary of your research paper topic with a brief explanation of the issue or problem you want to consider. Also, please mention specific chapters in our text to which your research topic relates.  I will review the topic and get back to you with approval or suggest changes as required.

This assignment is not graded. It will be marked “complete” or “incomplete.”

Review the Research Paper Rubric in the Rubrics section in Blackboard when deciding upon a topic.


Last Updated on January 25, 2018

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