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English Creative Writing

Discussion 1 (100 words)

Select one of the readings at the end of Chapter 3 in your e-text. How does it conform to the rules of creative nonfiction? How is the piece similar to fiction? How does it differ from fiction?

Discussion 2 (100 words)

After reading “A Few Words about Revision” pp. 10-14, develop a revision plan for the unit piece you are likely to include in your portfolio. Do you need to outline or revise section by section, like a quilt? Would a reverse outline help? What are the major weaknesses of the piece and how do you intend to address them?


Starkey, D. (2021). Creative Writing (4th Edition). Macmillan Higher Education

Discussion 1 (250 words)

A well-written abstract is an essential part of any APA manuscript. Examine the abstracts from at least two of the journal articles you are using for your final paper. What components are included in the abstracts? What have you found to be similar among the abstracts? What differences did you see in the abstracts? Why might these differences exist? How will you incorporate what you’ve learned in examining these articles into the development of your own abstract?

Discussion 2 (250 words)

The methods section is typically one of the most complex parts of an empirical research paper. Select an empirical article that you found while researching for your final research paper. What are the components included in the methods section? Why are the components different in the methods section of an empirical article and other types of research papers? Does a literature review have a methods section? Why or why not?

Read at least three pieces at  Brevity Magazine ( Then, write a 750-word, nonfiction essay for the magazine that fits with its style and audience. Try to focus on one incident, or character. The subject can be about anything but you. Most likely, it will require a bit of research.

Brevity looks for “clear, concise, vivid prose,” that often utilizes condensed and connotative language to enrich the depth of the piece in a short amount of time. In this way, it can incorporate rather poetic conventions at times. Put a lot of work into significant details and consider where the essay will take the reader. Make sure the essay contains a purpose, a point, and/or an agenda. In addition, look at how published writers in Brevity end their essays.

This essay can be written in first-person, but again, should not be about you. Think of it as literary journalism—a sort of journalism and exploratory essay hybrid. The essay should speak on a specific person or incident, but point toward a larger social/cultural/universal commentary in the subtext.

Keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Essay is 750 words or less.
  • Essay is nonfiction.
  • Essay shows evidence of research.
  • Essay is not focused on the author.
  • Essay appropriate in style for Brevitymagazine’s audience.
  • Essay contains evidence of poetic conventions in language.
  • Essay contains a point/purpose/agenda and points toward greater social/cultural/universal commentary.
  • Essay focuses on one specific purpose or incident.
  • Essay is written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, with one-inch margins all around.

Last Updated on June 8, 2022

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