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Social/Emotional Lesson Plan and Cognitive Lesson Plan


Social/Emotional Lesson Plan

To complete this assignment:

Choose an activity that teaches infants/toddlers a lesson within the social OR emotional domain.

Review the appropriate standards for children and choose ONE standard that a child learns when completing this activity:

Birth- age 5- you can use the new (as of July 1) VDOE Early Learning Standards

Complete the Mini Lesson Plan Template (Make sure to spend time looking at this great resource that explains each portion of the lesson plan!)


Cognitive Lesson Plan

Choose an activity that teaches infants/toddlers a lesson within the social OR emotional domain.

Review the appropriate standards for children and choose ONE standard that a child learns when completing this activity:

Birth- age 5- you can use the new (as of July 1) VDOE Early Learning Standards

Complete the Mini Lesson Plan Template (Make sure to spend time looking at this great resource that explains each portion of the lesson plan!)

Mini-Lesson Plan for HLT 135

Student Name:

Title of Activity:

Ages of Children:

Format (check one box): large group□ small group□ individual□

Main Content Area (check box): □Language and Literacy □The Arts (music, movement, dance, drama, visual arts) □Mathematics, □Science □Social Studies □Physical activity/Physical education □Health & safety

Organizational Procedures for Content:

  1. Concepts List the main concept(s) introduced within this plan: (For example, if you selected Math as your content area, above, some appropriate concepts are, 1-1 correspondence, seriation or patterning.)

Tip: Consult your textbook for the phrases of concepts that children learn. They are usually one or two words, as the examples above show)

  1. Alignment with appropriate learning standards:Your objectives are derived from standards such as: The Virginia SOL’s, Foundation Blocks, or Milestones of Child Development . Select your standard from one of these documents and list:
  • the document title
  • learning domain
  • page number
  • write out thecomplete standard

Then, use this standard to write your objective, below.

  1. Learning Objectives: A learning objective must be measurable and aligned with standards and teaching procedures. You must be able to observethe child as he or she demonstrates mastery of the skill or concept you introduce. Write your objective in a complete sentence that includes: Who (the child), What (an action verb) and When or how they will do it. For example: The (who) child will correctly (what) imitate simple clapping patterns (when/how) led by the teacher.

Tip: Fill in the blanks: The child will (copy and paste the standard you chose in #2) when they (activity-what and when during the activity they will demonstrate the standard).

  1. Rationale: Teachers not only know what is important for children to learn but why it is important that they learn it. Provide a brief justification of why you feel the children need to learn the concept or skill you have selected for your objective. Describe how your activity will enhance the child’s security and self-regulation, problem-solving, thinking skills, and academic and social competence (5). You must show that you are able to be reflect upon your practice, be responsive to the needs of each child, and intentional, as you strive to promote positive outcomes for each child (4).

Tip: Why is it important for children to learn these concepts? Consult your text!

  1. Materials and aids:List all items you will need for this lesson

Instructional Procedures: This section is the script for your lesson . You will describe what you will say and do as you engage children and facilitate children’s learning. CLASS and NAEYC teaching standards are included here.

Tip: For #6, there should be MANY quotations of things you will say to scaffold children’s learning. Remember, this is a SCRIPT. Write down EVERYTHING as if I were to video you teaching this and turn on “closed captioning.”

A lesson plan with little or no quotations of what you will say = little or no taking = little or no TEACHING!

  1. Teaching procedures: This is where you describe the “meat” of your lesson.

Provide evidence of your ability to use a broad repertoire of developmentally appropriate tools, strategies, and teaching/learning approaches (4c). Include a variety of modalities and materials. You must write what you will say and do as you enable the children to master the objective. Your varied tools and modalities could include the use of puppets, music, movement and pantomime, or technology, for example. Worksheets and flash cards are not considered appropriate for children, at this level. Your procedures must include hands-on, meaningful connections to the children’s real world and experiences, allowing them to experiment, make predictions, plan and create.

Considerations of variations in cultural and abilities differences: Children with all variations in ability, culture, languages must experience success and be included in your activities.

Briefly describe how your plan will accommodate differences in the abilities of children:

  • Culture
  • Physical
  • Behavioral
  • Emotional
  • Linguistic

Choose 3 of the above abilities to write accommodations you will make for them.

Tip: Use this format- “For a child who (insert ability), I will (insert accommodation).

Example: “For a child who speaks Spanish, I will use key words such as… in Spanish.”

High-quality resources: Early childhood teachers go beyond their own basic knowledge to identify and use high-quality resources including books, standards documents, web resources, and individuals who have specialized content expertise in developing early childhood curriculum (5). List references, learning standards, published resources used. Cite references appropriately.

Tip: All you are doing here is citing the standard you used (Milestones, SOLs), and any books you may have use. That’s it!

Last Updated on June 8, 2022

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