CLC assignment

Write a paper of 220 words that includes the following (OUR TOPIC – the opioid epidemic)

1, Critique whether the applicable ethics principles are consistent with the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses.


15.0 %Critiques whether the decisions made relative to the health issue are consistent with the ANA?s Code of Ethics for Nurses.Does not discuss decisions made relative to the health issue and does not present information from the ANA?s Code of Ethics for Nurses.Presents information about the decisions made relative to the health issue, but does not discuss ANA?s Code of Ethics for Nurses.Discusses the decisions made relative to the health issue and presents information about the ANA?s Code of Ethics for Nurses, but does not critique whether the decisions made are consistent with the code.Partially critiques whether the decisions made relative to the health issue are consistent with the ANA?s Code of Ethics for Nurses. Minimal use of examples, supporting details, or references.Clearly and systematically critiques whether decisions made are consistent utilizing references, examples, and supporting details. Includes both public and private sources and distinguishes them as such. There are no inconsistencies.


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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