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Electrical engineering

Course name electrical engineering


Unit Name: Establish and follow a competency development plan in an electrotechnology engineering discipline


Assessment Name: Course Competency Development,,Establish and follow a competency development plan in an electrotechnology engineering discipline









Q1. Identify five areas of responsibility that a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) must comply with to deliver the course you are enrolled into.


 Length: (2 – 5 pages)







Q2. Identify five areas of responsibility that a student must comply with to enrol and complete the course,


 Length: (2 – 5 pages)







Q3. Describe three types of assessments that can be utilised to verify learners are meeting units of studies required outcomes.


 Length: (1 – 2 pages)







Q4. How can assessments be monitored and reported?


 Length: (1 – 2 pages)



Q5. On completion of the course you are enrolled into, what industry skills will you gain a better understanding of? The answer you provide should make reference to specific units in your training plan.


 Length: (2 – 5 pages)











Q6. Research and provide a current job description related to the course you are enrolled into.


 Length: (2 – 5 pages)













Q7. Research and provide a description of further education / training that can be undertaken in a related discipline.


 Length: (1 – 2 pages)

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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