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What happend to the us during the cold war?

By the end of the course, a comprehensive Research Paper is due. This assignment will have you examine an assigned topic, collect sources, examine those sources, and draft a comprehensive thesis-driven paper that demonstrates student mastery of the essay-writing process and the topic itself.

For the Research Paper itself, you will be required to complete the following:

The goal for the essay is to have students explore a topic that is semi-of their choosing in order to develop an “answer” to the posed question (which, in turn, becomes the thesis-statement). The following are the required elements for the essay:

Title Page and Abstract:

There should be none.


After a well-written introduction that introduces the topic, the thesis is presented. A thesis is required that answers the posed question in the “Research Paper” folder in Blackboard. These are the only topics that should be utilized.

Historical context:

The next 2 to 3 paragraphs is used to set the “stage” for the argument and establish the “larger historical setting/context”. By that, for example, if you were to discuss a topic about the British colonists being “pragmatic or anti-liberty”, your thesis may be: Loyalists to the crown were certainly pragmatic, as they did not want to alter the colonial status quo and the benefits afforded by being a British subject”. In turn, the “context” will center on the complaints of the American revolution and the ideas of the time; why was it better for many to remain “as is”? Who was the typical “loyalist”?

Support/Source Analysist:

There will be at least 3 paragraphs that will support your argument. Using evidence from sources, you will need to demonstrate why loyalists wanted to stay with the crown. Were they truly anti-liberty? Did they oppose the idea of freedom or did they already exist comfortably within the confines of the crown? These ideas will be explored with a clear “claim” at the beginning of each paragraph that links to the thesis and helps prove it true. Collectively, each paragraph will then prove the thesis true.


A conclusion is required to summarize the main points of the essay.

Source integration:

Sources should not be direct quoted nor mentioned or introduced. They must be paraphrased with a citation and utilized to support points.

Professional Presentation:

Citations are in either APA or Chicago/Turabian, there are no personal references (such as, “Imagine if you were a Loyalist…how would you view the crown? I know I would be for liberty”), and no phrases/words that do not belong in a college level assignment.


Are scholarly and not of the casual web variety.

The essay should not be extraordinarily long or complex. What is required is a clear identification of a thesis, usage of scholarly sources, and proper evidence to support the thesis with work substantiated with citations and a bibliography. The essay will be submitted to SafeAssign and Turnitin if deemed necessary. I am well-aware of essay purchasing services and changing key words to not flag the reports. I assure you, I am really good at finding where work came from and will search for hours. If you cheat, you will get a zero and be reported to the college. There will be absolutely no chance for a makeup opportunity.


Last Updated on March 29, 2019

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