Essay proposal for the research question in the paper instructions
Questions around immigration frequently centre on how many immigrants to admit and what
the balance should be between different categories – economic, family and humanitarian. To what
extent should Canadian immigration policy be tied the needs of the economy?
Length: One page single spaced, 12 pt format
Worth: 5%
This assignment is designed to allow students to investigate some contemporary aspects
and debates about Canadian political life. The proposal gives student an opportunity to
get a head start on their essay and received early feedback from a tutor. The proposal and
essay are an opportunity for students to work on enhancing the skills required in
developing a convincing written argument.
• Select one essay question from the list of ten questions
• Write a draft working thesis
• Outline two key claims to support your thesis and structure your paper
• Your proposal must also include an annotated bibliography of two scholarly
sources**. Each entry must include: (a) complete bibliographic details (b) topic
of source (c) purpose/thesis and (d) why is this particular source important or
relevant to your proposed topic.
*Note your research essay must be based on the question outlined in your essay proposal.
Choose carefully.
**For the purposes of this assignment scholarly sources include journal articles in
scholarly journals, chapters in edited volumes and single monographs. A good starting
point is to review the “Further Reading” section at the end of each relevant chapter in Critical