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Week 4 discussion

Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length,

Brainstorming Your Topic

For this discussion, share the topic you’ve chosen to write about for your Week 6 Rough Draft. (You might want to jump ahead and review the requirements for this assignment.) Share the following aspects of your topic:

  • Exigence: What has prompted you to respond to this topic? (Other than the exigence of having to write a paper to earn a grade. This is a given.)
  • Potential audiences: Identify three potential audiences who might be interested in or affected by this topic. (Your audience cannot be “everyone,” “the general public” or any other broad or vague audience. Be as specific as possible in defining potential audiences.)
  • Possible avenues of research: What will you need to know or learn about in order to write effectively on this topic? Where might you find this information? (Note: Scholarly sources will be required of the Rough Draft, though you may use any other sources you deem appropriate if you can justify their use.)
  • Most importantly: Generate a research question for your paper. This differs from generating a thesis statement (which is the answer to a question). Instead of deciding in advance what position you want to argue, a research question is open-ended. See the W4 Assignment for examples of research questions.


Review your assignment details and rubric: Argument Rough Draft


Last Updated on January 22, 2021

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