Week 5 Discussion
Select one of the three options below, only one.
Option 1. In no more than 1-3 paragraphs, respond to the following issue: Marijuana is often referred to as a gateway drug in so far as its use often leads to use of more serious illegal drugs. Is it? Is marijuana the only so-called gateway drug. After you respond, please comment on at least one other student’s posting.
Option 2. In no more than 1-3 paragraphs, respond to the following question: Should we be worried about prescription abuse in elderly populations? After you respond, please comment on at least one other student’s posting.
Option 3. In no more than 1-3 paragraphs, respond to the following question: It has often been stated that inhalants cause brain damage. Do they? After you respond, please comment on at least one other student’s posting.