Crime & Punishment

Five Paragraph Essay

Crime & Punishment

  • Gather information and evaluate sources
  • Use the information gathered to create new content (ex:comparisons,conclusions)
  • Adapt your language, structure, and content to a formal text
  • Cite and reference sources (källrefereraoch–hänvisa)


What you should do

  • Write a five-paragraph essay on one of these topics:
    1. Inform the reader about a certain kind of crime (trafficking e.g.) [C]
    2. Argue for/against punishment/rehabilitation [A]

Write between 500-800 words. Use FOP

  1. Finding your topic & sources
  2. Organizing your essay
  3. Phrasing – write it!

Before handing it in, use “Check Your Essay” [edWise]. Deadline w.48


When this should be done

46Crime & Punishment Discuss & presentCrime & Punishment
Intro 5-paragraph
47Crime & Punishment
Word’s source system
Crime & Punishment
48Crime & PunishmentHand it in!



Last Updated on February 4, 2018

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