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Case study – language acquisition

case study – language acquisition

This assignment requires you to prepare a Case Study of the experience of a child or adult second language learner. This can be done by undertaking an interview with a colleague or friend who has learned English or another language AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. Your task is to explore some of the features of their learning experience, and the outcomes of their learning, including their impressions of their achievements (positive ot otherwise). The assignment then is to write up the findings of your interview, discussing their language learning experience with reference to the literature. The key literature is of course Ortega, and each of the chapters frpm Ortega provides an indication of the possible areas for exploration of the persons experience.

An outline of how you might conduct the interview is provided, but you are encouraged to be flexible and sensitive to the age and experience of the subject/ person in your examination of their experience.

Last Updated on February 10, 2019

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