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2 of your classmates paper

Each response should be at the very least a paragraph in length (3-4 sentences). Be thoughtful in your responses and avoid simple replies like “Well done,” or “Good job.” Discussions are meant to be conversations. “Well done” as your message in your reply does not constitute a conversation! You can comment on their evaluation of the reading (keep it positive/constructive), comment on how it applies to you personally or professionally or respond to some other aspect of their post that resonates with you.

Discussion Requirements

For each chapter of Sustainable Living & Mindful Eating, you will complete a critical thinking assignment.

(total of 2 replies required)

This assignment is a demonstraton that you:

Have read the entire chapter
Understand the activities

This assignment is aligned with the following learning objectives:
Mastery of effective oral and written communication in assignments and classroom discussions.
Thoughtfully respond to culturally relevant traditions related to food supply.
Perform personal and group critique of readings and class exercises
Understand the ways stress impact food choices, and food choices impact stress and food.
Identify the long-term consequences of stress on eating habits, and healthful eating.
Reem Bo Khamseen

Question one: what is the most important information you learnt in chapter 2?
From reading chapter 2 of the book, I have learnt a number of important aspects on how mindful eating helps the body. Notably, the chapter lists the five tastes that should be applied in mindful eating exercise. From the book, it is evident that the five important tastes that people should consider include pungent, sweet, sour, salty, and bitter.

By understanding such tastes, one will be able to be mindful of whatever they eat based on their desired taste. The author attempts to list the steps that can be used to distinguish tastes for those who want to discover their taste. The first stepping is choosing what to bite followed by tasting to identify the taste. The third step listed involves noticing the taste and holding to the grip. The chapter also helps nutritionists understand the various foods that were considered medicinal in ancient Chinese culture.

The chapter is significant in helping readers understand the energy compositions of different types of food. The chapter borrows from the Chinese culture on how medicinal values were drawn from foods with different tastes. The book also helps readers understand their dosha which enables them to make decisions on what to eat. By listing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha as the major categories of dosha, the book will be integral in helping me understand my type of dosha. As a result, it will enable me to eat mindfully depending on the type of dosha that fits me. Another key aspect leant from the chapter is the Ayurvedic recipe for healthy eating and how various recipes can be used to get medicinal components of food. The book further allows readers to view man as a machine and create nutritional standards that fit specific people.
Question two: what is your dosha?

Based on body structure, my dosha is mainly Kapha since I have a round face that has soft features, big eyes, full lips, and pale complexion. Notably, this kind of dosha has a significant impact on determining what I should eat and how often I should take some types of foods. Based on my nose bridge characteristics, I fall under Pitta type of dosha. This is because my nose bridge has a medium width to the bridge. Additionally, my bones also make me fall under the Pitta dosha type since the length to width ratio appears to be moderate. Evidently, my body build also makes me fall under the Pitta type of dosha. From analyzing the features in my body against the types of dosha, it is apparent that I belong to both Pitta and Kapha but most features make me more of a Pitta dosha person. I do not have any features that could make me fall under the Vatadosha.

Understanding my dosha is essential since it will guide me on the food that I should eat much and those that I should avoid. For instance, since my digestion is characterized by indigestion and discomfort when affected by smelly gases, I will learn how to improve my digestion and avoid any smelly gases that could lead to increased discomfort. Understanding my dosha will also enable me to work on aspects such as appetite since being a Kapha would mean that sometimes my appetite will be extremely low. As a result, I will be able to understand the best recipe that can help with appetite.

Amna Al Nuwais

• The most important information/key concepts we need to understand from
these chapters are:
Chapter two starts off “Food Energetic Systems”. I honestly learned a lot from this chapter, it talks about the 2 systems of nutrition, such as “The Ancient Chinese Power System & Ayurveda.” I think both systems will help me become more mindful in life and have a much healthier routine.
Both systems will help me manage my health by following the steps on this chapter and know what to do, to have a healthier body and may also reduce stress.
• How can I use the information in the chapter to help me with my daily
mindful eating practice?

I look forward doing the 2 practices to have a healthier lifestyle especially with food, rather than eating “Fast Food”. I will defiantly use the table that I loved on this chapter because I know it will help me a lot by organizing my meals accurately. The Ayurveda system will help me build positive energy in my body and know how to use “The Three Doshas” correctly and I think this would help me in how to balance my health with what I tend to eat. This chapter will absolutely help my daily mindful eating practice by know how to organize my meals precisely.

• In what ways will the material learned in this chapter help me manage my mindful eating and stress levels more effectively?

This chapter was very helpful and it helped me gain my knowledge about “mindful eating”. I will follow the “yin and yang” steps to help me manage stress and it will help me in my food cycle, including stress reduction. I will put in mind that every food that I will tend to eat will be a combination of yin and yang that will help us become more energetic. I think following the steps in this chapter will help us manage our stress and illnesses, I will try doing the yin and yang method whenever I will feel down.

• What are your thoughts and feedback regarding the information and the activities in this chapter?
I liked this chapter and I learned a lot. The information I read is very detailed, I enjoyed it and most importantly I learned something I never knew about, that surprised me. However, the Chinese system and Ayurveda will help me become a positive and a healthier person in the future.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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