Warehouse management

How many shelves of width 10 are required to hold sku allocations of width 5,6,7,4,8,2, & 1 . Use the next fit heuristic to pack from the list as given

  1. What is the minimum number shelves of width 10 required to hold sku allocations of widths 5, 6, 7, 4, 8, 2, 1?
  2. Use the Next Fit heuristic to pack from the above skus to shelves of width 10 as given.
  3. Do the same with First Fit.
  4. Do the same with Best Fit.
  5. Do the same with Worst Fit.


  1. Textbook Question 9.7

Use the First Fit heuristic to slot the following skus onto shelves of width 10 so as to produce a packing with high pick-density (many picks per unit width of shelf).



Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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