Choose among the following prompts to complete the Unit Response Paper (500-750 words minimum). Your paper should be primarily literary analysis, as opposed to summary. Outside research is not required. Your paper should contain an engaging introduction, a strong thesis, an effective organization strategy, adequate support and development of that thesis using evidence from the text, and a conclusion that does more than just summarize your paper.
You should include in-text citations when referencing the literature, but it is not necessary to do a works cited page for required course readings. Papers should be formatted according to MLA guidelines.
- Each of the authors in this unit – Bradstreet, Austen, Mary Shelley, Haywood, Browning, Freeman, and Chopin – touch on the role of females within a marriage or romantic relationship. Choose two (or more) authors to compare and/or contrast in terms of their portrayal of gender and the institution of marriage. Support your view with evidence from the text.
- Put forth and support an interpretation of Mary Shelley’s “The Mortal Immortal,” Jane Austen’s Love and Freindship, Eliza Haywood’s “Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze,” or Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. Support your view with evidence from the text.