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Topic 5 Discussion Question (DQ) 5

Please respond with a paragraph to the following question, add citations and references:

Mr. C appears to be concerned about his obesity and his possible health risk from being overweight. He is actively seeking information on weight loss surgery. Obesity can be defined as a complex disorder that involves excessive body fat. Obesity is not just a matter of appearance, it increases the risk of many illnesses and health related issues. Muscles, bone, fat, and water may be the source of the weight.

However, obesity is when that weight is greater than that which is considered healthy (Medline Plus, 2018). There are many health risks associated with obesity. High blood pressure, which Mr. C has not sought medical attention for, sleep apnea, due to excess fat around his neck, high cholesterol, high triglycerides, undiagnosed diabetes, fasting glucose is 146 which is high compared the normal range of 70-115, and his sedentary job at the call center, are contributing to health risks linked to Mr. C’s obesity.

Mr. C is already showing signs gastrointestinal issues related to his being overweight, with the diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease. Weight loss will reduce Mr. C’s risk of having complications of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as little as five percent will greatly decrease this risk (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, 2015). Since he is morbidly obese, with a BMI of 45, Mr. C would probably benefit from bariatric surgery.

He would likely lessen his risk of several obesity related illness that he is already presenting with, if he were to lose weight. With weight loss surgery there is a high mortality rate so Mr. C would need to weight the risk/benefit of the surgery.

Based on Mr. C’s diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease and the prescribed medications, along with his reports of meal times, the most therapeutic administration schedule would be Carafate at 6am, 11am, 5pm, and 11pm. Mylanta at 10am, 3pm, and 9pm. Zantac at 11pm.In order to assess Mr. C’s health, it is important to consider his overall functional pattern. Mr. C’s health perception and management is one that is based on the fact that he has always been heavy, even as a child, and his sedentary lifestyle, which may be related to a lack of motivation, education, or depression. Mr. C’s nutritional and metabolic shows he has reported a weight gain of 100 lbs. over the last couple of years and that he has a BMI of 45, according to Smart Calculator, n.d.

The BMI is at a serious level and it can lead to health problems if it persists. Mr. C has been recently diagnosed with peptic ulcer disease.

Peptic ulcer disease can cause complications such as hemorrhage, perforation, gastric obstruction and stomach cancer. The most common side effect is related to elimination would be bloody stools, from bleeding ulcers (Kalyanakrishnan & Salinas, 2007). Mr. C has a job at telephone communication center, likely a sedentary job and has claimed a 100lbs. weight gain. Although the objective data given in the scenario does not specifically discuss whether or not Mr. C’s participate in any type of physical activity one can conclude that he does not.

Due to Mr. C’s sleep apnea it is likely that he does not sleep well or wake up feeling rested. Sleep apnea can cause one to stop breathing multiple times a night, this breathing disturbance can make one wake up feeling tired (Family Doctor, 2017). Cognitively, Mr. C is able to make his needs known and is ready to seek out interventions to better his life.

One perception of self is interesting. Mr. C perception is likely related to being overweight his whole life, but Mr. is actively seeking out surgical means to correct his idea of self. Mr. C is not currently in a relationship and there is no discussion of any social/emotional support. Mr. C is not seeking out a relationship so his sexuality and reproductive health pattern would most likely be on hold until he achieves some weight loss. Being overweight, Mr. C probably has stress and difficulty coping due to this.

Being overweight his whole life would suggest that he does not have good coping skills and would new some counseling.The actual health problems that can be identified are diabetes, sleep apnea, hypertension, and shortness of breath. Potential problems include heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease, kidney disease, and death.

Heart attack is related to Mr. C’s high cholesterol, uncontrolled hypertension, and sedentary lifestyle. More oxygen and nutrients are needed to survive due to the additional fat tissue in the body. Vessels need to circulate more blood thereby increasing the workload of the heart creating higher pressure on the walls of the arteries and increasing blood pressure (Standford Health Care, n.d.). Stroke is associated with high cholesterol and sleep apnea.

Coronary artery disease is due to high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes. Kidney Failure can be attributed to uncontrolled diabetes and poor dietary control. Obesity may cause insulin resistance.

Blood sugars are elevated when insulin resistance occur and a person may have many different symptoms related to this (Standford Health Care, n.d.). Death is correlated to increased morality because of its link to many aliments.


Last Updated on March 26, 2019

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