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Statistics Discussion

Assignment Description

By Thursday 3/8 post your own response to this Discussion board. By Sunday 3/11 11:59PM post at least two substantive comments to classmate posts.
20 points will be earned from your own post, and 5 points from comments to two classmates
For this DB and all other DB’s, long passages of quoted material should be avoided, as should links you may expect classmates or myself to read. Of course this does NOT
mean to exclude reference citations.
In your discussion post NUMBER YOUR ANSWERS so they are easy to find!


Go to the CTU library and find an article that describes an experiment and the outcomes of that experiment (clinical trial papers are very good for this).
1.Describe the experiment set­up.
2.How was the sample selected?
3.What were the treatments?
4.What were the independent and what was the dependent variables.
5.What was the outcome of the experiment?
6. WHY do you think this assignment was put into the course?
Apply methods of data aggregation and reduction to business data in a manner that reveals insight about underlying pattern and key parameters of the data set.
Explain the various methodologies and applications relating to levels of measurement, central tendency, dispersion, and other key statistical metrics.
Explain the applications and limitations of statistical hypothesis testing as applied to business situations.
Apply the various discrete and continuous probability distributions, which are appropriate in business circumstances.
Explain the rationale and limitations for the application of the Normal Distribution as an approximation for other types of probability distributions.
Determine appropriate sampling methodologies for business settings and situations.
Apply various risk assessment tools to business circumstances and assess confidence, risk, and sampling error.
Assignment Objectives
Apply methods of data aggregation and reduction to business data in a manner that reveals insight about underlying pattern and key parameters of the data set.
Explain the various methodologies and applications relating to levels of measurement, central tendency, dispersion, and other key statistical metrics.
Explain the applications and limitations of statistical hypothesis testing as applied to business situations.
Apply the various discrete and continuous probability distributions, which are appropriate in business circumstances.
Explain the rationale and limitations for the application of the Normal Distribution as an approximation for other types of probability distributions.
Determine appropriate sampling methodologies for business settings and situations.
Apply various risk assessment tools to business circumstances and assess confidence, risk, and sampling error.
Other Information
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Assignment Overview
Type: Discussion Board
Unit: Default
Due Date: Thu, 3/8/18
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible: 25
Points Earned: 0
Deliverable Length: No length has been specified
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Assignment Details
Learning Materials
Reading Assignment
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Online Deliverables: Discussion Board
In­Class Deliverables: None
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Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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