Week 12: Social issue exploration and organization overview (10%)
- Describe the social issue in general, and the narrow aspect you would like to focus. The description should include (1) a brief history of the issue, (2) its current situation, and (3) a paragraph of your intervention (what is your purpose to study the issue?). When you answer the questions, please cite credible sources to support your answers.
*The description of social issue is different from the description of an organization. This part is the description of a social phenomenon, not about a specific organization.
Also read: International Drug Trafficking Essay
- Describe an organization that is related to the social issue.
(1) Immerse yourself first before you start writing anything down.
(2) Observation: What are the missions, routine activities, special activities, media exposure, etc.?
(3) Evaluation: How can the organization contribute to the social issue you are studying in question 1?
- Analyze this organization’s website (not social media) by applying Sanford’s concepts in chapters 6-8. You can choose the following aspects to do your analysis: the feasibility of goal setting, the rhetoric of the website language, or the leadership expression in the website, etc. No matter which direction you choose, make sure that you apply the concepts and note the page numbers in your report.
See example below:
Chosen topic: Human Trafficking.
The organization that works to prevent Human Trafficking is called STOP THE TRAFFIK. The link to STOP THE TRAFFICK website is https://www.stopthetraffik.org/who-we-are/about-us/
Quantity- The submission fulfills the requirement of the number of pages.
Quality- The submission is not the “raw” data, but has been initially arranged and written in meaningful paragraphs, complete sentences, correct spelling, etc.
Detail- The submission includes detailed description.
Novelty- The submission shows fresh perspectives to examine a taken-for-granted practice.
Reflection- The submission includes the author’s reflection on the social change project.
Application- The submission applies concepts and ideas from weekly readings to the case study.
Insightfulness- The submission shows the deep understanding of the issue under study.