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Reflective Review Part B

TASK: 8. Reflective Review Part B

COLLABORATION: Nil. This individual submission must be entirely your own work.



PURPOSE: Self-reflective assessments aim at tracing and gauging meta-cognitive skills

(thinking about thinking). This task is intended to assist students to realize,

develop and review their own approach to their thinking and learning.

DESCRIPTION: Responses to a series of questions. In preparation for this task students are advised to review their responses to Part A in order to baseline their

understanding, approach, and perception of the course, and to review their e-

Portfolio or other diarised record of the course.

RETURN OF FEEDBACK: Up to 10 working days after submission, excluding semester breaks


For this course the informal self-reflective assessment is made up of 2 parts, of which this is the second.

Students will use the earlier record (Part A) of their reflections on their initial understanding, approach and

perception of the course in reviewing their development over the semester. There are no right or wrong

answers in this review.

The task consists of responses to several questions, listed below. Each question requires short answers of a

maximum of 500 words and relates to your own understanding of and approach to the course expectations,

contents, activities and tasks. The Class Summary would be useful.

We expect learners are able to express themselves clearly, logically, and coherently. We also expect learners

to reflect on those skills and capabilities they have developed throughout this course with clear evidence and

examples from different topics and related to the learning outcomes set for the course.



Question 1 How important were the learning outcomes set for this course for your learning


  1. identify the learning outcomes (minimum 2) that you believe were the most

significant in your learning experience for this course.

  1. illustrate your answer by showing with clear examples drawn from your

professional or private life the importance/role of these learning outcomes in

your progress, and/or the challenges they represented for you.


Question 2 Evidence-based practice in management is about drawing on four specific

sources of evidence to identify problems and solutions in business and

organizations. In your own terms, describe and illustrate one of the most

significant challenges you encountered in learning this approach to decision-

making and practice in the course.


Question 3 Name and describe the key skills1 and capabilities2 that you believe you have

acquired during this course.

  • How has this course helped you develop them and how will you use them in

your career?


Question 4 For future studies I would make these changes to my learning experience in the

following areas…

  1. Preparation before and during the course (include consideration of your

own well-being)

  1. Use of resources (library, consultation time, emails, etc.)
  2. Skills and capabilities requirement
  3. Communications (in general, in class, in group, with lecturer, with guest

speaker, etc.)

  1. Relationship building (in general and in group work)
  2. Engagement (with university and out of the university)


References · A reference list of all materials cited is required –

Note: When presenting evidence:

  • Consider graphical presentation of quantitative data.
  • Consider selection of quotations from qualitative data
  • Consider tabular presentation of qualitative or quantitative data
  • References from scientific literature situate the problem in a broader context.

1 Skills could include: listening, critical, analytical, retrieval, constructing meaning, interpreting information and data,

adapting procedures to given situation (application), communicating (oral and writing), leadership, creating,

evaluating, imagining, team building, team working, etc. 2 Functional and core EBP capabilities.


The relative weightings of the items of coverage gives you guidance on their relative importance for

assessment, and therefore how to focus your effort. You can use this to help plan your work by using the

weightings to allocate your time and the approximate number of words to each item. Proper referencing is a

Submission Requirement (see separate section for details) and therefore has no weighting in this table, but

not meeting that requirement will impact your assessment.

Last Updated on May 21, 2021

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