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Literature review of contemporary issue

Task 1b.

 Write a Literature review of contemporary issue:

Contemporary issue: What are the roles of an early childhood educator in supporting non-gendered play and how their perception of gender influence children’s play?

Word count,1800. Value 35 % 

 Learning Outcomes: 

  • Engage with diverse learners in a range of educational contexts to develop skills and knowledge for flexible and adaptable participation in professional communities of practice.
  • Demonstrate creativity, critical thinking and innovation when identifying and solving problems in diverse educational settings.

Task 1b. part 2: Value 35 marks 

Using the research question to write a literature review relating to  your chosen topic. The literature review MUST include discussion on how other contemporary scholarly authors ( NO WEBSITES) have discussed this issue and linked to your research question. Your literature review, must be relevant to your topic and  include literature no OLDER than  10-15 years.  [Seminal writers in their field are an exception, but MUST not be all you include]. The paper must be written using APA 7th referencing with correct spelling, & grammar

You are to  include a minimum of 8 scholarly works for this section  that add to your research. Student must include a reference list ( APA 7th Style) ( not included in word count)  at the end of their paper.

For information on how to write a literature review  please see following link :

Marking Criteria;

Task 1b. [ 35  marks]

  • Introduction is included  of the chosen topic and how the issue relates to children, families and early childhood communities in an Australian context (5 marks) ;
  • Key areas of agreement, disagreement and tensions regarding the issue which critically analyses and engages with the literature under each heading (10 marks );
  • How the major themes of the literature contribute to a body of knowledge of the topic in relation to current practice in early childhood communities (10 marks );
  • A concluding summary which explains – based on your understanding of the literature – the significance of the chosen topic to children, families and early childhood communities in current times (5 marks)
  • References to a wide range of literature using APA (7th ) style, appropriate in-text referencing and a list of sources. The written work should be coherently expressed and show a wide range of sources researched for this task, which includes scholarly literature (5 marks ).

Last Updated on May 15, 2020

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