Psychology Coursework

Monette, D.R., Sullivan, T.J. & DeJong, C.R. (2014). Applied social research: A tool for the human services. (9th ed.). Belmont, CA Cengage Learning. 978-1285075518

Section 1:

Review the course syllabus. If you have questions, contact your Faculty Mentor.


A student should expect to spend a minimum of 135 hours in the successful completion of this course. At
California Southern University students receive 45 hours of instructional engagement in a 3-credit course.
Instructional engagement includes: submitting academic assignments, listening to class lectures or webinars,
taking exams, interactive tutorials, attending a study group assigned by the university, contributing to an
academic online discussion, initiating contact with a faculty member, externship or internship. Instructional
engagement occurs in both the online environment and in face-to-face contact. Additionally, students can
expect to complete 90 hours of preparation. Preparation includes, but is not limited to: reading, study time and
all research work needed to complete assignments and projects, as well as any activities related to preparation
for instructional engagement.

Credit Hour Verification

Activity Assignments Estimated hours
for the average
Discussion Forums 24
Research for Master’s Thesis 57
Submit Master’s Thesis 1
Faculty (Mentor) Contact 8
(outside of
Discussion Forum Preparation 24
Reading Textbook 17
Select Research Topic 24
Research Topic Proposal 25
Ch-1 Master’s Thesis 30
Ch-2 Master’s Thesis 30
Ch-3 Master’s Thesis 30
TOTAL: 180
Overall Total 270

The average adult reading rate is 250 words per minute with 70% comprehension. [Smith, Brenda D. “Breaking Through: College
Reading” 7th Ed. Longman, 2004]
Reading for learning (100-200 wpm); reading for comprehension (200-400 wpm); and skimming (400-700 wpm). With an average of 400
words per page, at 200 words per minute a student should read around 30 pages per hour (200 words per minute x 60 = 12,000 words per
hour divided by 400 = 30 pages per hour). Therefore, we are using 25-30 pages per hour.
Audiobooks are recommended to be 150-160 words per minute or 22 pages per hour.
Reading on Monitor: 180-200 wpm or 27 pages per hour.
Slide presentations are closer to 100 wpm or 15 pages per hour.


Please use the Course Outline and Recommended Schedule provided in your Syllabus to pace your reading and
written assignments. Please submit your assignments in spaced intervals as prescribed here so that you will
receive timely written feedback from your Faculty Mentor regarding your progress in this course. Be sure to

keep a copy of all assignments until the final grade is issued for this course.


As you read each chapter, visit the online University Virtual Library that is available to you at no cost and find articles related
to the readings as a study aid. The University Virtual Library offers a wide range of databases including the following:
ProQuest Psychology Journals, PsycARTICLES, PsycEXTRA, PsycBOOKS, PsychiatryOnline, and Psychology and Behavioral
Sciences Collection, as well as other electronic resources. The APA website offers fee-based access to PsycINFO and
PsycCRITIQUES databases. Moreover, to further enhance your learning experience you are also encouraged to visit the
Psych Web website to learn the latest findings in the field and find web links. You are encouraged to utilize the Internet and the
indicated resources to access current literature and information to enhance your analysis of the Term Project. The respective
links to the websites are listed below:

University Virtual Library:
APA Website:
Psych Web website:

Review of these links does not need to be submitted for grading – they are for your own learning enrichment.
Read Chapters 1 & 2 of Applied Social Research. Read the Master’s Thesis Handbook (located under the course “Resources”

Assignment 2

Select your Research Topic for your Master’s Thesis.
As you begin to research and select your Master’s Thesis Topic, consider the following:
The University encourages a thesis that extends the work of the Learner’s profession into emerging fields of
inquiry which addresses contemporary issues. You are encouraged to select a topic that falls within the scope of
your expertise, interest, and career objectives.
You may select and reject several topics before the right one finally “gels”. Conducting preliminary research in
Abstracts and other sources is highly recommended. Be sure to keep a Bibliography of this and all literature
Read the entire Master’s Thesis Handbook and familiarize yourself with the content and requirements then review closely Chapter One in
the Master’s Thesis Handbook and prepare to write chapter one of your Thesis.
Assignment Outcomes
Distinguish specific problems or potential problem areas for analysis and intervention
Differentiate between constraints and limitations to intervention and change
Analyze a collection of qualitative or quantitative data
Evaluate research utilizing research design methodology
Integrate legal and ethical issues to research methodology
Analyze and evaluate information critically and effectively
Evaluate, incorporate and demonstrate ethical behavior in regard to emerging relevant technologies applicable to psychology
Course Work
Entered Assignment File Status Downloaded Grade Writing

Last Updated on April 16, 2020

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