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Poetry Argument Analysis

For this essay you will analyze a poem based on a specific aspect that you want to work from (ex: structure, theme, tone, language, imagery, POV, stream of consciousness, characters) and how that contributes to the whole work. Keep in mind your introduction will need an attention-getter, the text you are working from, and your thesis statement (this is what you are arguing).

This paper will have a persuasive tone because you are trying to convince someone that your view is valid. Keep in mind that there is no right or wrong, but valid and invalid. You want to present an argument that is believable and well supported with evidence. Also, remember to use the text as evidence and incorporate an article from the library database to help support your point. Remember to quote the passages exactly as the author states them, and do not misrepresent what the author might be trying to say.

Poems to choose from:


You may pick any of these outside poems.

“One Art” p591; “The Tyger” p593”; “How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways” p595; “I Heard a Fly Buzz-when I Died” p602; “Annabel Lee” p639; “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun” p645; “ I Hear America Singing” p652

(Page numbers are incorrect)



You may pick any poem from our class textbook. Check with the Instructor to confirm your poem.

Paper Requirements:

Proper Heading (Student’s Name, Professor’s Name, Class, Date) and Header (Last name pg #)

3 to 4 FULL pages or longer (Note: The 3rd page is not the Works Cited page)

Double spaced

12 point font

Times New Roman

1 inch margins

1st and 3rd person Point of View

No Contractions

Works Cited Page


Last Updated on March 12, 2020

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