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Organization design & development

Assignment Questions. Marks- 05

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the basic concepts of systems theory for organizational design. (Lo 1.5)
  • Define the human, structural and strategic dimensions of the organizational development (Lo 1.5 & 3.1)
  • Analyze the strategic role of change in the organization and its impact on organizational performance (Lo 2.9)



Assignment Instructions:


  • Be sure to use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed references in support of each answer and also incorporate the key concepts from the course.


Critical Thinking Questions:


  1. Describe OD Consultants role in organization design?(300-400 words) (2 mark).


  1. What are the attributes that measure the Organizational effectiveness? (200-300 words) (1 mark).


  1. Explain the importance of developing structures in the Organizations? (300-400 words) (2 mark).












Last Updated on July 6, 2024

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