Write an essay that focuses on the following components a) History/Background of North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES), b) History/Background of the Common Core State Standards,(CCSS), c)Components of the NCES for kindergarten, d) Components of the Common Core for Kindergarten, e) Some helpful information from the assigned chapter’s reading. f) One Helpful site for finding kindergarten lessons/ideas for North Carolina Essential Standards, and g) One helpful site for Common Core lessons/ideas for Kindergarten
1. Explore and gain an understanding of the North Carolina Essential Standards and the Common Core standards by doing an internet engine search. In addition, read information noted in the syllabus.
2. Write an essay that focuses on the following components a) History/Background of North Carolina Essential Standards (NCES), b) History/Background of the Common Core State Standards,(CCSS), c)Components of the NCES for kindergarten, d) Components of the Common Core for Kindergarten, e) Some helpful information from the assigned chapter’s reading. f) One Helpful site for finding kindergarten lessons/ideas for North Carolina Essential Standards, and g) One helpful site for Common Core lessons/ideas for Kindergarten.(Note: You have a correct thesis statement in your introduction if it includes all of these components).