Claim Verification Journal Argument
Introduction/Review of the Literature (you need at least 3 sources in this section. You may use more if needed.)
Explain the problem of verification either in relationship to your area of study or more broadly the issue in the larger culture.
Present research that others have done that address this topic.
What do different sources say about (compare and contrast different sources)
How long has this been a problem?
How is the problem different over time?
How big is the problem?
What is the impact of the problem?
What have other people done to research the problem?
Methodology (you may use an outside source if you did research on how to collect your data)
Explain how you conducted the investigation of your claim.
How did you pick your claim?
How did you find your claim?
What criteria did you use to select your claim and your sources?
Results (you will need to include the sources you evaluated to decide if the claim was true)
Here, you do give the data from your research.
What evidence did you find to support the claim?
How do you evaluate that evidence?
What evidence did you find to refute the claim?
How do you evaluate that evidence?
You may use a chart or other visual to help organize the information.
Conclusion (you may use outside sources here as they apply to you conclusion)
Draw your conclusions about the truth of the claim.
Given the evidence you read, what conclusion do you come to and why?
You goal is to convince the reader that you are credible and your conclusion is valid.
Reference page: 4-6 quality written sources: a magazine, newspaper or academic journal article. Low quality sources will affect your grade.
The only time low quality sources are allowed is if the claim appeared in that source.
You must quote from your sources; the amount you quote is up to you.
Claim : Music therapy can make you feel better.
Source 1:
Boyde, C., Linden, U., Boehm, K., &Ostermann, T. (2012). The use of music therapy during the treatment of cancer patients: a collection of evidence. Global Aadvances in Hhealth and Mmedicine, 1(5), 24–29. Retrieved from :
Source 2:
Jasemi, M., Aazami, S., &Zabihi, R. E. (2016). The effects of music therapy on anxiety and depression of cancer patients. iIndianjJournal of PpalliativeCcare, 22(4), 455-458. doi:10.4103/0973-1075.191823,
Source 3 :
Karkal, E., Kharde, S., &Dhumale, H. (2017). Effectiveness of music therapy in reducing pain and anxiety among primigravid women during active phase of first stage of labor. international journal of nursing education, 9(2), 57-60. doi:10.5958/0974-9357.2017.00036.8
Pauwels, E. K. J., Volterrani, D., Mariani, G., &Kostkiewics, M. (2014). Mozart, music and medicine. medical principles and practice, 23(5), 403–412. Retrieved from
Source 4:
Peterson Family Foundation. (2016, July 1). The history of music therapy. Retrieved from