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Middle School Needs Analysis

Instructions and rubric are attached

Part 1: Complete a chart or graphic organizer that depicts the cognitive characteristics of middle school students as related to Piaget’s concrete operation stage to the formal operation stage.

Part 2: In 4–6 pages, briefly summarize your findings, as recorded in your chart or graphic organizer. Secondly, based on your research, briefly discuss the implications of middle school student’s cognitive development on the design of your curriculum and methods. Finally, describe a particular curriculum issue related to cognitive development which may arise for middle school students, and the method or methods you would employ to compensate for cognitive variances.

You must include 3 citations from scholarly sources.

Candidate creates a chart or graphic organizer that depicts the cognitive characteristics of middle school students. The chart or graphic organizer addresses most of the following:

  • The cognitive characteristics of middle school students

The cognitive characteristics of middle school students as related to Piaget’s concrete operation stage to the formal operation stage

The candidate summarizes his/her research on the cognitive characteristics of middle school students by addressing all of the following:

  • Summarize findings, as recorded in your chart or graphic organizer
  • Discuss the implications of middle school student’s cognitive development on the design of your curriculum and methods
  • Describe a particular curriculum issue related to cognitive development which may arise for middle school students

The method or methods you would employ to compensate for cognitive variances.

Candidate uses correct grammar and punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure throughout and stays within the 4-6-page limit. The chart or graphic organizer is not counted as part of the 4–6-page requirement.


Last Updated on October 29, 2019

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