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Introduction to proposed study

introduction to proposed study

Search for literature in the psychology (counseling) field and choose a topic, Develop a research framework, Including question and/or hypothesis to focus on a research direction

Review Chapters 5 and 6 from the course text, Research Design and the “Purpose of Research”

Review Chapter 7 from the course text, Research Design. (Website link)

Google: research design creswell pdf


version-nueva-Creswell (2008) Research Design.pdf – Index of (it will be first one)

Choose articles for an annotated bibliography (total of 8 articles)

Write the introduction to your proposed study. Use the “Introduction Checklist” handout (attached) to help you improve your introduction and ensure that it is effective. Include one paragraph each for:

The research problem (also known as the problem statement)

The related literature about this problem

The deficiencies in the literature (identify several gaps in the literature)

The audiences who will potentially find the study of interest

Write a purpose statement for your proposed study using the scripts suggested in Chapter 6 of the course text, Research Design (see pp. 114, 118, 122, and 123). Use the “Purpose Statement Checklist” handout to help you improve your purpose statement and ensure that it is effective.

Begin writing a research question or questions and hypothesis or hypotheses. The proposed study should be quantitative,

– A research question (or questions) and a justification of its viability

– A hypothesis (or hypotheses) and a justification of its viability

– Justify the viability of your research question.

– How does the question address a “gap” in existing knowledge in your area of study? (counseling)

– To what extent does the purpose statement evoke the research question?

– In what ways could the question serve to address real-world problems and potentially lead to social change?

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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