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Interdiscplinary Approaches

Describe the key elements of contextualization, conceptualization, and problem centering, including o the strengths of each integrative approach. o the limitations of each integrative approach.

  • Based on your work thus far on the global challenge you have chosen to address in your Final Project.

identify which integrative approach (contextualization, conceptualization, or problem centering) best describes how you have been thinking about your work.

provide a specific example drawn from your work to explain how you understand the integrative approach or approaches that you have been utilizing thus far.

pply the Broad Model of integration to your work on the global challenge you have chosen for your Final Project.

  • Is your work strengthened by working with assumptions or with concepts? o Provide an example of how you can approach your work to refine it.
  • What strategies for integration (redefinition, organization, theory extension, transformation) can you use to strengthen your work?

Provide a specific example to demonstrate how using at least one of these strategies can refine your work.

Reflect on your understanding of the global challenge you have chosen for the Final Project.

  • Compare your understanding prior to and after learning about the Broad Model.
  • Explain how or why using the Broad Model provides a more comprehensive understanding of the global challenge you are examining.
  • Explain what new insights you gained.


Last Updated on May 9, 2024

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