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Industrial Practice in Marketing

Industrial Practice in Marketing

Here’s a little guideline for the Industrial Practice in marketing assignment; The individual essay should consist of: 1) A section on each of the 9 skills. A brief definition of the skill followed by an example where you have demonstrated the skill. Detail and specifics will be what gain the bulk of the marks here: describe the context, what you did and what the outcome was and anything you have learned from the experience.

General discussion along the lines of "I work in a team at Tesco which is an example of teamwork" will not gain marks. Talk about an actual specific occasion when you did something. 2) A reflection on your level of skills when you came into the University (a tool such as a spidergram from the Skills Diagnostic would be useful here); how your skills have developed since then – what you are better at and what things have helped you to improve; what gaps still need to bridged over the next year or two on any of the skills to reach the level you think necessary for your career goals; a personal development action plan in the form of a table showing SPECIFIC actions and DATES of what you need to do to bridge those gaps (courses, mentoring, reading, practice etc).

Here are the nine 9 Skills * 1. Self Awareness * 2. Problem Solving Numeracy * 3. Enterprising * 4. Team Player * 5. Business Awareness * 6. Decision Judgement * 7. Communication * 8. Technology Appreciation * 9. Self Management (b) Essential Reading / Text Cameron, S. (2016) The Business Student?s Handbook, 5th Edition, FT Prentice Hall Cottrell, S. (2018) The Study Skills Handbook (SSH), 3rd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan Cottrell, S. (2014) Skills for Success (SFS), 2nd Edition, Palgrave Macmillan Horn, R. (2016) Business Skills Handbook, CIPD Coursework details: Coursework 1 (70%) Portfolio of evidence and reflection on personal skills development at work & university.

During your time at University you should: ? Use a portfolio to: gather evidence of how you have used your skills in the work place and at university; and record your reflections on work experience and personal skills development activities. This assignment will require you to: 1. Reflect on your portfolio and assess your current level of skills 2. Research the skills required in your chosen career 3. Identify the gaps between your current skills and required skills 4. Plan how you will develop your skills gaps to reach your career goals Which means that you should use your portfolio to prepare a piece of reflective writing that includes: ?

An evaluation of your level of skills when you started University and your level of skills now, reflecting on previous personal development plans you may have completed in Level 4 or 5 and how these skills have developed through academic studies and work experience. For each skill you should refer to one piece of evidence from your portfolio. Reflect on feedback you have received relating to that piece of evidence or critique your own work.

Reflect on what you learnt from undertaking that task. You need to cover all 9 skills PLUS Professionalism and Ethics, Mission and Objectives, Health and Safety. ? Thorough research into your chosen career profiling the skills required to gain employment in the area and be successful long term (If you do not have a clear career area in mind then explore your life goals/ direction and think about careers that would help you to achieve these goals). ? Identification of the gaps between your current level of skills and those that are required in your chosen career ? A Personal Development Plan detailing how you are going to undertake the required development to meet your career goals and details of any development activities already undertaken.

This plan should span five years from October 2013. Submission details: Your piece of writing should be no more than 2500 words, but may contain diagrams or tables. Your personal development plan should be presented in a table of not more than 500 words (this wordcount forms part of the 2500). Your evidence should be published via your e-portfolio and should contain 1 piece of evidence for each of the 9 skills as well as evidence of applying Health and Safety at work, applying Professionalism and Ethics at work and a demonstration of your knowledge of Mission and Objectives for the organization you worked for. You should submit your work before the due date/ time set.

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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