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Individual Management of Behavior – Case Analysis

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You will investigate how an individual’s dental condition, and the required treatment and management, can be linked to the models of behaviour change. You will be provided with a case study and preforma via the Interact2 site. Write a report identifying the dental conditions, treatment and management of the patient and outline how this is linked to the models of behaviour change. You must use professional language and use the following criteria;
Clinical presentation
Behaviour analysis
Treatment plan and appropriate preventative strategies


Oral Health Therapists must be responsive to community health needs, and have competence in improving oral health for individuals and communities particularly those with greatest oral health inequalities. When you compose your case analysis, you will be able to develop a deeper understanding of:


  • be able to apply models of health behaviour: protection motivation theory, the health belief model, and the theory of planned behaviour
  • be developing reflective practice skills when applying behaviour change models in patient clinics
  • be able to assess where psychological methods of behaviour change are relevant and be able to apply suitable approach when dealing with an oral health patient
  • be able to apply key concepts in indigenous perspectives of health and demonstrated application of these in promoting oral health and improving inequalities in health outcomes

(10 marks)

Demonstrates succinct and accurate summaries of the report. Outstanding professional reflection and insight of the information.
Demonstrates an understanding of the links between patient factors, risk factors and the implications and recommendations

Clinical presentation

(10 marks)

Identifies key components of a comprehensive examination, interprets and analyses the case presented.

Behaviour analysis
(15 Marks)

Analysis of the patients behaviour upon presentation to the dental clinic and interprets and analysis the case presented

(5 marks)

Analysis of the presented information to form an evidence based diagnosis for the case presented

Implementation of prevention and treatment planning

(20 marks)

Demonstrates and applies knowledge of patient history, risk factors and diagnosis to implement effective prevention strategies and treatment plans, demonstrates understanding of the link between patient factors, risk factors, treatment plans and prognosis

(30 marks) 

Applies knowledge, evidence based practice and research skills to justify diagnosis, prevention strategies and treatment plans


Professional literacy and writing style

(10 marks)

Demonstrates quality academic skills in accordance with CSU requirements
Reference lists conform to the APA (6th) referencing style


Reports must be typed, 12 font, double-spaced on single-sided paper. Referencing style must adhere to CSU APA 6th Edition guidelines and contain a minimum of 10 scientific references. It is recommended that subheadings are used to order the information into succinct chapters in this report


This case analysis will assesyour learning and understanding of the concepts taught in this subject and their practical application.



Clinical case presentation – DOH203

Alba is a 67 year old Indigenous man who lives in Wagga Wagga. Alba grew up in an Indigenous Australian mission camp in central Australia. Alba has been smoking for 40 years and smokes approximately 10 cigarettes a day. Alba’s wife died in 2001 and he has been living on his own ever since. Alba’s diet is mostly meat and veggies as he has type 2 Diabetes.

Alba presented to the CSU clinic today complaining of broken and stained teeth and requesting full upper and lower dentures. After his initial appointment he was referred to you for a periodontal assessment and to improve Alba’s oral hygiene prior to the initiation of restorative work.

Upon examination it is noted that Alba has multiple missing and fractured teeth, and very poor oral hygiene.

Alba’s initial visit at the CSU clinic was his first dental visit since he was married in 1975.

Please review the attached dialogue from the previous appointment.

In this case study you need to outline how you are going to critically apply the behavioural change and motivational interview theories to work with Alba’s current perceptions of health, in order to establish an effective treatment plan to improve his health and provide a duty of care to your patient.

DOH 203: Case Study Supplementary Dialog


1.1 The first part of this dialog concerns Alba’s oral hygiene routine.

Clinician:              How often do you brush your teeth Alba?

Alba:                   I don’t. There’s not really much point really is there? People my age just end up      with dentures anyway.

Clinician:              Many of my patients your age have their own teeth, thanks to improvements in dental care over the years.

Alba:                   There isn’t much point in looking after them, they’re just going to get ripped out anyways when I get dentures.

Clinician               If we can improve your brushing then we can aim towards keeping your teeth and you won’t need to have dentures at all.

Alba:                   I haven’t come here today for you to tell me what I should and shouldn’t do.

Clinician:              Part of my job is providing you with the best options to keep your teeth for as long as possible, what is the main reason that you have come here today?

Alba:     So that I can get my dentures.

Clinician:              As I said before, if we can improve your brushing to two times a day and get you to start looking after your teeth you will not need dentures.

Alba: But I won’t have to do all of that when I can just have dentures, I am 67 and there is no reason to change what I have been doing all these years, my teeth have lasted up until now and there is no point in keeping them any longer when dentures are going to be so much easier.



1.2 Later in the dialogue when talking about smoking


Clinician:              You should quit smoking, this will help you oral health and your overall health

Alba:      Easier said than done, when you are my age

Clinician:              Age shouldn’t be a factor here, it’s a habit that you just need to break. Did you know that smoking is one of Australia’s leading cause of death?

Alba:      I did.

Clinician              Did you also know that smoking can cause premature death?

Alba:      I do, it says so on the packets I see everyday

Clinician:              How many packets of cigarettes do you smoke per week?

Alba:      Probably around 6 packs.

Clinician:              Ok, well that’s 6x $30 = $180 a week on cigarettes, then across the year that’s $9360. That’s an awful lot of money. Wouldn’t you rather spend that on a holiday?

Alba:      I don’t need you lecturing me on how I should be spending my money.  Smoking hasn’t cause me any problems so far so why stop now.


Clinician:You should quit smoking, this will help you oral health and your overall health
Alba:Easier said than done, when you are my age
Clinician:Age shouldn’t be a factor here, it’s a habit that you just need to break. Did you know that smoking is one of Australia’s leading cause of death?
Alba:I did.
ClinicianDid you also know that smoking can cause premature death?
Alba:I do, it says so on the packets I see everyday
Clinician:How many packets of cigarettes do you smoke per week?
Alba:Probably around 6 packs.
Clinician:Ok, well that’s 6x $30 = $180 a week on cigarettes, then across the year that’s $9360. That’s an awful lot of money. Wouldn’t you rather spend that on a holiday? 
Alba:I don’t need you lecturing me on how I should be spending my money.  I have tried to quit many of times.


Last Updated on March 17, 2020

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