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Importance of Security in Cloud Design and Implementation

In most cases, the implementation of virtual technology will include virtual systems and cloud computing. Planning for these technologies requires careful thought and good preparation. There are a diverse range of technologies and vendors available, and because the market is large, a significant amount of money is invested in marketing by vendors in these areas. It is important to wade through the marketing hype and get to the important facts when planning for virtual technology and cloud computing implementation.

For this assignment, you will continue the development of your Virtual Technology Implementation Plan. Based on your work from Weeks 1 and 2, you will write a section of the plan to select and describe a solution strategy for TSG to implement virtual systems and cloud computing. You will include a list of opportunities to lower costs, and you should describe efficiencies to show that this new approach will provide a greener footprint while ensuring that the current and future requirements of TSG are met. You will also discuss the importance of security in cloud design and implementation.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Update the Virtual Technology Implementation Plan document title page with a new date and project name.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Select and describe a solution strategy. Address the following in the Solution Strategy section:
  • Implementation
  • Select and describe a solution strategy for the organization to implement virtual systems and cloud computing.
  • Clearly describe each of the technologies that will be included in the strategy, and show how the different technologies will be integrated into a comprehensive solution.
  • Include a visual representation of components and interactions to describe the solution.
  • Include a list of opportunities to lower costs, and describe efficiencies to show that this new approach will provide a greener footprint.
  • Security
  • Discuss the importance of security in cloud design and implementation.
  • Identify the areas of the proposed cloud system that are susceptible to security issues, and provide mitigation strategies for each of the security risks.

Last Updated on September 10, 2023

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