Cloud Computing in Use

Cloud computing has been cited in many academic and business cases in today’s computing industry. The importance of these cases is related to the results of and lessons learned from the implementation of each organization in each case. Through these cases, an organization can be better informed on the uses of cloud-based services, deployment models, and service models.

To complete this assignment, answer the following questions in a minimum of 5 pages (not counting title page and references page):

Which two cloud-based applications/services are most commonly implemented by the public (that is, end users)? Why do you believe these applications/services are most cited?
Which cloud service model is most commonly cited as providing the public with their preferred application/services? Why do you believe this model is most cited?
Which cloud-based applications/services are most commonly implemented in the Health Care industry? Why do you believe these applications/services are most cited?
Which cloud service model is utilized to provide Health Care organizations with their preferred application/services? Why do you believe this model is most cited?

Use APA formatting style (title page, references page, and in-text citations).

Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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