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Illness analysis tied with Sick Role Model

Assignment 2 Discussion

Overview You will participate in a discussion activity to the sick role model to examine a specific illness (e.g., ADHD medication addiction, opioid addiction, diabetes, a broken leg, or the flu). In this exercise, I would like you to be able to apply these four specific constructs (i.e., two rights and two obligations) of the Sick Role model to an actual illness and generate a complex understanding of the phenomenon of interest. You may want to write your answers on a word processor before posting the answers on the forum. Let’s get started.

Assignment Description In the last few weeks, we have discussed how people with addictions may face unique challenges seeking support from their social network and the larger society. In this assignment, we will watch a video (i.e., a lecture) on Parsons’ Sick Role and develop a deeper, structured understanding of a person’s illness experience.

In our readings and lectures, we have carefully examined the different constructs held by the three theories, exploring their similarities and differences. Please identify a real-life health campaign and answer the following questions.

First, watch the lecture on Parsons’ Sick Role:

Second, identify the illness of your choice and explain why the illness is a good fit for the analysis for Parsons’ Sick Role model.*Using an illness you have or familiar with may help you think through the four constructs better.

Using the four constructs in Parsons’ Sick Role Model (i.e., the two rights and two obligations) to explain how they may be reflected or experienced by a person with the illness of your choice.

Finally, based on what you have learned about the theory, give a critical analysis reflection about the extent to which Parsons’ Sick Role Model is useful or not useful to understand the person’s illness experience. 5. Word Count: I expect a word count of 800-1000.


Submit posts by clicking the Add new discussion topic button below.

Grading This assignment is worth 15 points.

Discussion Board Rubric Criteria Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

Content (10 points) • Shares thoughts,

ideas, or opinions. • Specific details are

offered to support the views expressed in the post (there is evidence to show this isn’t just “off the top of your head”).

  • Has a “So What?” theme, lesson, or specific point that attracts the readers’ attention; it also addresses all the questions posed in the exercise, but goes beyond just

(8 points) • Shares thoughts,

ideas, or opinions. • Details are offered to

support the views expressed in the post (there is evidence to show this isn’t just “off the top of your head”).

  • Has a “So What?” theme, or lesson; addresses all questions posed in the exercise.
  • Demonstrates understanding of the topic.

(6 points) • Shares thoughts,

ideas, or opinions. • The opening part of

the post introduces the main point.

  • Details are offered to support views expressed in the post, but they may be vague or the connections are not completely clear.
  • Has a point; has something to do with questions posed.

(4 points) • Shares a thought,

idea, or opinion. • The opening part of

the post introduces the main point.

  • Limited details are offered to support the views expressed in the comment.
  • Point of post is unclear; does not relate to questions.
  • Shows some understanding of the topic.

(0 points) • Main point is not

clearly introduced. • Lacks supporting

details. • Point of post is

unclear; does not relate to questions.

  • Post does not reveal an understanding of the topic.

answering them to

reflect on larger themes.

  • Demonstrates understanding of the topic.
  • Shows some understanding of the topic.

Style (5 points) • Concise (4-5

paragraphs; each paragraph 200 words) with a specific focus.

  • Opening grabs the reader’s attention while introducing the point of the post.
  • Positive tone engages the reader.
  • Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct.

(4 points) • Concise (2- 3

paragraphs; each paragraph 250 words) with a focus.

  • Opening grabs the reader’s attention while introducing the point of the post, but perhaps not as strongly as the style in an “A” posting.
  • Positive tone engages the reader.
  • Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are largely correct.

(3 points) • Entries are short (1-

2 paragraphs) with a focus.

  • Positive tone. • Spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization are largely correct.

(2 points) • Entries are short (1

paragraph) and may or may not have a focus.

  • Positive tone. • Spelling,

punctuation, and capitalization have mistakes.

(0 points) • Entries are short (1

paragraph) and lack focus.

  • Tone may not be appropriate.
  • Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization contain numerous mistakes.
  • Overview
  • Assignment Description
  • Instructions
  • Grading


Last Updated on March 11, 2020

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