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Health Behavior, Communication, and Advocacy



Health Behavior, Communication, and Advocacy

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Module 2 SLP: BHS499 Senior Capstone Project

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Health Behavior, Communication, and Advocacy

Human Resource (HR) IN Healthcare Safety

The safety and health of employees are crucially affected by human resources (HR). Most HR departments do not only facilitate the well-being of each part of an employee. In this situation, administrators should use all the tools available to establish and enforce protection and health practices in an organization. Based on Sara, an open discussion, coordination of facility management, and health and safety training should be developed by the HR Department to ensure that all stakeholders know about the outbreak of tuberculosis (TB). Not only are they life-threatening, but they can also limit productivity on the ground (Adu, 2018). The most significant disadvantage for every organization will be the loss of dangerous and healthy staff during their working hours. Managers should use their tools to define and sustain corporate health and safety practices. Here are HR techniques to promote and maintain the well-being and safety of employees;

Establish Open Communication

The promotion of open communication on all health or safety associated incidents is a crucial aspect of maintaining workers’ morale. When expressing concern over company safety targets, no employee should be scared. An HR staff must meet personally with the workers to help them feel more secure communicating to an HR staff if they fear sharing safety issues with direct bosses.

Implement a strict safety policy

Workers who are not authorized to work in a high-risk role should be prohibited from visiting dangerous environments. The applicants would know if they are eligible for such positions by marking insecure conditions, posting stern warning signs, and listing credentials appropriate for such employment in workplaces. For a company office with less physical hazards, any possible risks, such as broken glass or another form of leakages, should be detected early.

Provide health and safety training

It is important to provide all workers with required safety awareness programs to handle themselves while wounded and isolated. It is necessary to provide emergency response plan training. Ensure the staff is useful in the case of disaster by carrying out fire and rescue drills occasionally. Encourage staff who are ill and have leaves without reprimand to be responsible. An organization can recognize all possible risks by applying safety standards to keep workers safe and stable when on the field (Rieger, 2018).

The various types of non-clinical personnel and hospital and responsible for the private and public health intervention may be described as human capital in healthcare. Many programs on human capital often include measures to improve justice or equality. Strategies to encourage equality following needs need more comprehensive health care planning (Rieger, 2018). Some of these involve developing systems of financial security, particular needs and classes, and the provision of re-deployment facilities. In this case, first, undertake a situation analysis for Sara. Get feedback from informants and concerned employees as well as partners. Compile these statements and make a report.

Determine whether this situation has happened before, and apply mandated policies and guidelines applicable to Sara’s case. Assign a multidisciplinary team that can do contact tracing, mandatory check-ups, and health education. Redefining policies is one of the HR department’s core roles, aside from compensation, hiring, and benefits (Rieger, 2018). Something easily transmitted like tuberculosis should require a systemic response like what I have stated. We should advocate that health is essential to us; it is God’s gift that we should take care of it. We should engage people to do some recreational activities that most people tend to do it. It is like commonly we do it for ourselves to make our body healthy. Life has a step by step process that makes our body have some improvement.

Implications of Human Resources (HR)

Health policies are not adequate to be necessarily healthy. If they linger in the planning process and refuse to take adequate economic and social conditions, their impact would possibly be negligible to the stakeholders (Ali, 2019). Their accomplishment is highly based on how they grow and execute. Many critics claim that inadequate care given to HR concerns is specifically a significant health policy inadequacy, and if HR problems are discussed, they are usually defined by:

A limited vision of HR

Reduced to staff management, i.e., recruiting, discipline, and grievance management organizational activities. This reduces and isolates the position of HR managers within the university. This HR does not resolve all facets of employee concerns.

Dispersal of accountability and lack of coordinated actions

The HR development officials frequently restrict their health ministries’ position to personnel preparation and distribution and leave other, more important issues to policymakers. This activity has contributed to an interconnection between health and HR operations (Ali, 2019). E.g., the training curriculum will overlay and not always satisfy needs of the shareholders. The assumption that the key players dealing with the planning and advancement of workers are not routinely strategically consulted opens up the door to uncoordinated, often opposing initiatives.

Reactive attitudes in the management of the health workforce

It In Turkey, for example, it has been noted that, mostly within the general policy context and without clear association with the health needs, governments set very broad, annually updated HR targets. New schools are also opened, admissions to existing schools are extended, or restrictions are also temporarily relaxed on hiring health staff so that issues can quickly be tackled.

Subordination of HR decisions to economic criteria

Health workers are often viewed as simple instruments for development, like when cash benefits are implemented to improve productivity, without taking those aspects of employment into account. Consequently, the predicted effects are not obtained consistently by these interventions (Ali, 2019). Government problems such as the size of the workforce and salary loans seem to be more discussed by macro-economic issues and easily ignore other critical issues about job organization, worker motivation, and individual results.

These findings indicate the obstacles be overcome before HR concerns can be integrated more firmly into health policy. The international health policy plan contains workforce challenges among the most challenging issues (Ali, 2019). They have only been adopted partly in countries where domestic HR development plans have been drafted, and few countries measure policy success in this region. Therefore, HR concerns remain important and can only be detrimental to health system improvements if they are not included in health policy agendas amongst the shareholders.


Adu, P. A., Yassi, A., Ehrlich, R., & Spiegel, J. M. (2018). 899 Exploring Key Informant Perceptions Regarding the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis among Healthcare Workers.

Ali, S. M., Curralo, A. F., Boulos, M. N. K., & Paiva, S. (2019). A Framework for Improving the Engagement of Medical Practitioners in an E-Training Platform for Tuberculosis Care and Prevention. Future Internet11(1), 6.

Rieger, M. A., Burgess, S., Junne, F., Rothermund, E., Gündel, H., Zipfel, S., & Michaelis, M. (2018). 985 Prevention of Common Mental Disorders in Employees–Attitudes of Health Care Professionals, Human Resources Managers, and Employees in Germany.

Also read: The History of Tuberculosis (TB)

Last Updated on April 9, 2021

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