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Graduate Nursing Capstone Paper of Family Nurse Practitioner Program

 Project main rubrics20-25 pages

Addresses all program (NP) and university

outcomes (9 elements) and provides evidence of

successful completion

Provides course and clinical exemplars to

demonstrate stated criteria

Provides evidence of ethical, social, research,

and policy aspects of program learning

Provides a discussion of theoretical model(s) of nursing and applies this to personal definition of advanced practice
Incorporates relevant professional literature

into the scholarly paper (minimum of 5

scholarly references)

Uses appropriate APA format and scholarly

writing style throughout.


In-depth knowledge of a discipline or content area.

  1. Integrate the standards of professional nursing practice in a variety of

leadership roles that include both direct and indirect nursing care


  1. Intervene at the system level through the policy development process

and to employ advocacy strategies to influence health and health care at

the local, state, and national level.

  1. Synthesize an advanced level of nursing knowledge and relevant

sciences to influence health care outcomes for individuals, populations,

or systems.

  1. Demonstrate competence in advanced clinical practice to improve the

quality of health care for clients in a variety of health care settings.


Knowledge of diverse cultures, perspectives and belief systems.

  1. Integrate broad, organizational, client-centered, and culturally

appropriate concepts in the planning, delivery, management, and

evaluation of evidence-based clinical prevention and population care

and services to individuals, families, and aggregates/identified


Knowledge of arts, sciences, and humanities.

  1. Assimilate scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields,

genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organization sciences

for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings.

  1. Synthesize concepts from the arts and humanities into various direct

and indirect practice environments.

  1. Synthesize advanced knowledge using theories, research, concepts and

principles from nursing, behavioral, social, physiologic and

pharmacologic sciences in the area of advanced clinical practice.

Ability to think critically.

  1. Demonstrate critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning skills in practice

decision making.

  1. Translate scholarship into practice by applying research outcomes

within the practice setting, resolving practice problems, working as a

change agent, and disseminating results.

  1. Critically analyze and utilize existing knowledge to provide high

quality health care, initiate change, and improve nursing practice.

  1. Observe, conceptualize, analyze and diagnose complex clinical or nonclinical

problems as they relate to health and illness.

Ability to communicate effectively.

  1. Initiate collaborative relationships as a member and leader of

interprofessional teams, while communicating, collaborating, and

consulting with other health professionals to manage and coordinate care

  1. Communicate and collaborate with consumers, professionals, and other

groups to manage care and enhance the health of clients and families

through emphasis on health promotion and disease prevention.

  1. Demonstrate ability to professionally present ideas both orally and in

written form in an articulate, scholarly, literate, and organized manner.

Ability to use contemporary technology.

  1. Use patient care and communication technologies to deliver, enhance,

and coordinate care.

  1. Utilize and evaluate appropriate educational technologies for selected

clinical decision making and to promote health maintenance and disease


Commitment to ethical and social responsibility.
  1. Apply ethical principles to practice in a variety of health care and/or

educational settings using an ethical decision making model.

  1. Exemplify a philosophy of nursing and health care based upon personal

and professional standards of values, ethics, social responsibility, and

service to others.

  1. Utilize theory and research in understanding ethical problems and in

determining nursing therapeutics and clinical management options.

  1. Integrate the ethical, legal, and health care policy dimensions of clinical

issues confronting health care and nursing.

Commitment to leadership and service to others.

  1. Employ quality improvement and safety methods, tools, performance

measures, and standards in an organization.

  1. Execute organizational and systems leadership skills within the

interprofessional health care team to maximize individual and

population health.

  1. Critique the effectiveness of policy decisions on health care outcomes.
  2. Integrate a variety of nursing roles into advanced practice roles

including health care leader, steward of the nursing profession, and

lifelong learner.

Commitment to learning as a life-long endeavor.

  1. Contribute to professional leadership in nursing and society through

continuing research, critical writing, oral presentation, and participation

in and leadership of professional organizations.

  1. Demonstrate accountability for continued personal and professional


  1. Incorporate standards of professional nursing practice, personal values

and integrity, research, social responsibility and commitment to lifelong

learning to ensure high quality practice.



Nurse Practitioner Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes for the Family Nurse Practitioner specialization maintain that

graduates are prepared to:

  1. Integrate a variety of nursing roles into advanced practice roles including health care leader,

steward of the nursing profession, and lifelong learner.

  1. Integrate the ethical, legal, and health care policy dimensions of clinical issues confronting health

care and nursing.

  1. Critique the effectiveness of policy decisions on health care outcomes.
  2. Demonstrate competence in advanced clinical practice to improve the quality of primary health

care for clients in a variety of health care settings.

  1. Synthesize advanced knowledge using theories, research, concepts and principles from nursing,

behavioral, social, physiologic and pharmacologic sciences in the area of advanced clinical


  1. Communicate and collaborate with consumers, professionals, and other groups to manage care and

enhance the health of clients and families through emphasis on health promotion and disease


  1. Observe, conceptualize, analyze and diagnose complex clinical or non-clinical problems as they

relate to health and illness.

  1. Utilize theory and research in understanding clinical problems and in determining nursing

therapeutics and clinical management options.

  1. Incorporate standards of professional nursing practice, personal values and integrity, research,

social responsibility and commitment to lifelong learning to ensure high quality practice.

  1. Utilize and evaluate appropriate educational technologies for selected clinical decision making and

to promote health maintenance and disease prevention.

  1. Meet all requirements for certification in specialty area.


Brief take away from courses

Course names

  1. Theoretical frameworks
  2. Advanced pathophysiology
  3. Advanced health assessment
  4. Advanced Pharmacology
  5. Advanced nursing research
  6. Health Care policy
  7. Primary care of children
  8. Primary care I,II,III
  9. Women’s health
  10. Health care economics
  11. Health care ethics
  12. Professional integration
  13. Primary care procedure I,II







Last Updated on January 28, 2018

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