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Exploring Leadership Report

Component #1:


  • Leadership Log: To begin the assignment, please use the following Leadership Log to record your activities for one week. Remember to record any task or activity that involves informal leadership, formal leadership, and collegiality. 
A blank copy of the Leadership Log (saved as an MS Word document) is located with the Module 1 Content material. Please download the file, enter your information, and save for this component of the assignment. 
Leadership Log
TimeMonday TasksTuesday TasksWednesday TasksThursday TasksFriday Tasks

clude meetings, workshops, inservice sessions, etc., in addition to classroom tasks. Include planning activities, grading, preparation, and extracurricular activities. Be sure to record the activity, purpose, and any individuals you interacted with.

Component #2:

Reflective Paper: This component requires you to revisit your week of activities and to present your information in a reflective paper that encompasses an analysis of your personal tasks, the facility, school community, and current leadership.

You will organize your paper based on the following format and sections:

  • Title page with contact information
  • Acts of Leadership (Based on the Leadership Log and 
your response to reflective questions)
  • Facility
  • School Community
  • Current Leadership
  • References
  • Appendix: Leadership Log, Diagram of Facility, Flowchart of Leadership Structure 
The sections and information to be included follow.
  • Section 1: Acts of Leadership
Begin by reflecting on the acts of leadership you recorded. Consider the following questions:
  1. How often did you engage with colleagues?
  2. What was the purpose of the majority of the interactions?
  3. How many of the tasks involved students and parents?
  4. Were there patterns to the activities from day to day?
  5. Where do leadership actions appear within the tasks and 
  6. What was the nature of the leadership?

Section 2: The Facility

Reflect on the actual school facility. Next, draw a schematic of the school including all classroom wings, offices, gym, cafeteria, and portables as appropriate. Note if the facility is multi-leveled. Label grades, departments, and/or functions.

Next, provide a summary of the site. Include a discussion based on the following questions:

  1. How does the facility support or inhibit physical interaction among the adults within the school setting?
  2. What would make interaction and collaboration in terms of leadership more effective?

Section 3: The School Community

Reflect on the overall culture and school community. Discuss the following in this section:

  1. What policies are in place to create a welcoming environment to faculty, administrators, parents, students, and visitors?
  2. As a teacher leader, what changes or additions would you make?
  3. As a school administrator, what changes or additions would you 

Section 4: Current Leadership

Reflect on the current leadership structure. Design a flowchart of leadership.

Next, discuss the following items / questions in this section:

  1. What is the current leadership structure?
  2. What types or styles of leadership are currently present?
  3. Are there multiple school administrators?
  4. What is the role of the department chair (if applicable)?
  5. Are there identified teacher leaders and if so, what are their roles?
  6. Are you one of the identified leaders—if so, what training was provided?
  7. In your opinion, how would you alter, change, and improve the current leadership 
structure? Provide a brief rationale for the changes.

Remember to organize your report based on the sections and format provided.

The report and references must reflect APA formatting.

Last Updated on February 3, 2018

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