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The Exceptional Child- an educators course

Class Activities
Chapter 9: Individuals With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

1. Prepare a graphic organizer that depicts the four dimensions of behavior. In your graphic include an explanation of each dimension

and an authentic example of each dimension.

Chapter 9 Objective
Outline the issues surrounding our understanding of emotional or behavioral disorders.

CEC Standard(s): Standard 3: Curricular Content Knowledge
Standard 3.1: Beginning special education professionals understand the central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools

of inquiry of the content areas they teach, and can organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful

learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities.

PRAXIS II: Education of Exceptional Students: Core Content Knowledge
• Topic I: Understanding Exceptionalities
B. Characteristics of students with disabilities

2. Positive behavior support (PBS) is a contemporary alternative strategy for responding to problematic behavior. It is designed to

prevent problem behavior instead of reacting to problem behavior with punishment. Prepare a one page handout that both summarizes the

intent of PBS and explains the three levels of prevention.

Chapter 9 Objective
Outline the issues surrounding our understanding of emotional or behavioral disorders.

CEC Standard(s): Standard 3: Curricular Content Knowledge
Standard 3.1: Beginning special education professionals understand the central concepts, structures of the discipline, and tools

of inquiry of the content areas they teach, and can organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop meaningful

learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities.

PRAXIS II: Education of Exceptional Students: Core Content Knowledge
• Topic III: Delivery of Services to Students with Disabilities
A. Background knowledge, including
1. conceptual approaches underlying service delivery to students with disabilities

Last Updated on March 1, 2018

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