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Competencies that HR professionals require to be successful

Discuss the competencies, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, that HR professionals require to be successful.

The competencies that HR professionals require to be successful are related to both their role as well as the employers’ needs. In order to also be successful, they must be able to think critically, communicate clearly and effectively, use a range of tools, develop and maintain relationships with others, and prepare for change. These are competencies that HR professionals need in order to be successful.

The first of many competencies that HR professionals require to be successful is related to the role of the Human Resources department within an organization. In order for an HR professional to be successful, they must understand the basics of how their department is structured and what their job function is (Gerhart, 2021). They must also have an understanding of the different types of employers and employees and ways in which they can work together successfully. In addition, they must have a good knowledge of employee relations and the different types of employees that are needed. Finally, they must be able to identify the different types of organizations that exist and their various tasks, products, services and processes (Gerhart, 2021).

The second competency that HR professionals require to be successful is related to what employers want. In order for an HR professional to be successful, they must understand the employer’s needs and how these relate to their own department (Boudreau, 2004). In addition, they must be able to communicate effectively both in writing and verbally. They must also be able to listen and understand the non-verbal communication that takes place when they are communicating with another person. Finally, they must have a good understanding of the different types of employees and how these relate to their organization’s needs.

What is Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)? What is its purpose and why is it important?

Human resource information systems are used to collect and store data about a business’s workforce. This data can include employees’ personal information, job history, skill set, work schedule, and individual performance in the workplace. HRIS software can also help companies automate certain aspects of the hiring process. This can save companies time and money without sacrificing quality.

HRIS is often associated with human capital management. This is a term that broadly refers to activities related to managing and using the workers in a business. Two primary functions of human capital management are employee development and personnel selection. HR systems can help businesses improve employee development, while human capital management software can help companies with their personnel selection process (Gerhart, 2021).

In both the areas of employee development and personnel selection, HR systems can help companies determine what personal attributes contribute to that business’s success. This knowledge can help businesses make decisions about how to engage workers. By using HRIS software, companies can identify the skills and qualifications they need in their workforce but also the characteristics that do not get a worker promoted. HR systems can also assist human capital managers in selecting new hires due to their ability to screen candidates on behalf of companies. This process is known as talent management.

HRIS is often associated with talent management. This can involve a company’s compensation, development, and retention efforts. These efforts are often focused on retaining high performers and keeping the company’s best talent. HRIS can also be used to communicate performance expectations to employees and their managers, which is a key part of the talent management process.

Finally, HRIS can help companies deal with employee lawsuits in two ways: by giving employers an opportunity to prevent costly lawsuits and by helping them mitigate damages should a suit occur.

What are the five major components of the strategic management process that are relevant to strategy formulation?

Strategy formulation is the process of designing and implementing a strategy that it’s in line with the organization or firm’s objectives, values and culture. The five major components of the strategic management process are planning, budgeting, decision making, implementation, and monitoring.

The strategic management process includes all the components that help to design, implement and monitor a strategy. Within these components are many different parts. These parts are as varied as each business strategy. Strategy is the end result of a successful combination of these parts into a cohesive whole (Wheelen, 2017).

Planning is the process that takes place when an organization needs to prepare for future events or changes on which they can base their actions and decisions. It consists of the following steps: defining problems, developing possible solutions, and selecting the preferred course of action. Some of the possible steps in planning are to:

Budgeting is designed to predict future costs and calculate projected financial results. It involves establishing at least a tentative plan for an organization’s financial management, including personnel, buildings and equipment that will be needed in the future. Some budget elements include:

Decision making involves making decisions by following a defined process. The process is divided into three phases:

Implementation consists of gathering the needed resources, resources and tools to implement the plan. Some possible steps in implementation are:

Monitoring refers to keeping track of the results of decisions and changes in an organization’s policies and procedures to determine whether they are effective or not. It mainly includes monitoring departments, functions, processes and overall performance. Some elements in this phase include risk analysis, performance evaluation, project planning and evaluation.

Explain the challenges and opportunities that arise for human resource management during downsizing.

There are inevitably cultural and operational challenges associated with any reduction in staff. HR must navigate this carefully to avoid turning employees against one another or depressing their spirits. The result is often greater productivity at half the cost of payroll expenses and worker’s comp claims among other savings (Greer, 2021).

The biggest challenge to managing an organization undergoing downsizing is the hurt feelings that inevitably result when jobs are eliminated or certain employees are fired. This can carry over from the affected employee to the rest of the staff, leading to:

These results are not only bad for morale; they also create a less productive work environment. Employees who feel some of their coworkers have not been treated fairly and accorded what they believe is their proper respect level become resentful and demoralized. This then carries over into every aspect of their time spent on company time. This can cause them to become much less productive, and the lack of productivity can lead to even more downsizing.

Generally, when employees are happy with the job they are doing, they tend to do good work. When employees love their jobs and feel valued by their employer, this tends to spill over into their other personal responsibilities as well. But when morale begins to slip, it is important for management to take steps in order to change the negative feelings which are taking hold among the workforce.

This, however, does not mean that HR must do everything possible to keep all of the employees on staff. They may be doing a job which needs to be eliminated either for business reasons or because the company is going through financial difficulties that make it necessary for them to downsize their staff.

Discuss the three major responsibilities of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is charged with enforcing federal anti-discrimination laws and ensuring that workers are treated fairly. Protection from unlawful discrimination by over 20 million employers in America is the EEOC’s first priority. They also enforce federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age (40 or older), disability or genetic information (Victor et al., 2017).

A person can file a discrimination complaint directly with the EEOC, who will then pass it on to the employer in question. If the employer has not corrected the problem, the complainant can request that the federal government intervene with a lawsuit. The EEOC’s secondary responsibility is to educate employers and workers about employment discrimination, prevention of harassment and problems in employment situations.

The EEOC’s third major responsibility is that of enforcing federal laws that protect workers against “whistleblowing.” This is a situation in which an employee has or believes that he or she has knowledge about illegal activity within the company and does not feel permitted to report it for fear of losing one’s job. In the United States, employers are prohibited from retaliating against an employee who attempts to report such information.

The Commission was established in part to try to prevent discrimination in employment based on occupational qualifications, race, color, religion, sex and national origin. It also tries to prevent discrimination against individuals who are not in the workforce or are unable to work due to age or disability.



Gerhart, B., Wright, P. M., Noe, R. A., & Hollenbeck, J. R. (2021). Human Resource Management Gaining A Competitive Advantage 12e. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.

Wheelen, T. L., Hunger, J. D., Hoffman, A. N., & Bamford, C. E. (2017). Strategic management and business policy (Vol. 55). Boston: pearson.

Greer, C. R. (2021). Strategic human resource management. Pearson Custom Publishing.

Victor, C. M., Thacker, L. R., Gary, K. W., Pawluk, D. T., & Copolillo, A. (2017). Workplace discrimination and visual impairment: A comparison of equal employment opportunity commission charges and resolutions under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness111(5), 475-482.

Last Updated on November 9, 2022

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