Fieldwork 1

Responses can consist of intelligent questions, disagreements with the texts, interesting insights, linkages between readings, linkages to current events, or even linkages to things happening in your own life (as long as you are able to situate these things in an anthropological context). The reading responses should not merely summarize the texts. These responses are not expected to be formal, polished pieces of writing. They are not expected to be fully developed papers. It is not necessary for you to demonstrate mastery of all the texts we read. However, they are expected to demonstrate that you have (a) read the material and (b) thought about the anthropological concepts and issues discussed in the readings.


This is the link of the book where it contains the articles need

the articles to write a response are
Spradley, “Ethnography and Culture,” •
Sterk, “Fieldwork on Prostitution in the Era of AIDs,”
Gmelch, “Nice Girls Don’t Talk to Rastas,”

Last Updated on August 17, 2024

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