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3 differences between the judicial and monarchical periods of biblical history

Answer to the best of your ability each of the following questions.

  1. Select TWO principles of leadership from the story of Joshua (as found in Joshua chapters 1-7) and answer the following question: As king how effectively or ineffectively did David follow these principles? Why? (For support refer where relevant to I and II Samuel, Psalms 22, 23 and 38.)

2.Identify ONE similarity among the personalities of Saul, David, and Solomon – either positive or negative. Then identify ONE difference among the three personalities – either positive or negative.

3.Select one of the following characters and say something specific about her relationship to Yahweh and to the man/men in her life: Hannah, Bathsheba, Rabah.

4.Identify at least TWO real turning points in the life of ONE of the following characters, and then discuss their impact upon you as a reader: Joshua, Samuel, Eli, Hannah, Bathsheba, Jonathan.

  1. Identify ONE principle of Hebraic Literary Style in each of the following books: Exodus, Joshua, I and II Samuel, I Kings.
  2. Identify THREE differences between the judicial and monarchical periods of biblical history.
  3. From your readings in Exodus, Joshua, I and II Samuel, I Kings, Psalms and Proverbs, list TEN new insights (since our readings in Genesis) that you have gained into the character and/or will of Yahweh (during the burning bush episode with episode, this is the name God gives for Himself – I AM WHO I AM, transliterated as YHWH/Yahweh).
  4. Discuss at least five facts that you have learned about the early cultural and religious history of Judaism from the readings in Exodus, Joshua, I and II Samuel, I Kings, and Proverbs.

Last Updated on May 10, 2020

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