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This unit introduces studentsto the theory, practices and skills utilized to strategically manage human capital within the context of high
performance cultures. Students will learn how to develop and utilize human capital metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of an
organization’s human capital management system.
The subject explores both the theory and practice of HCM in the context of the relevant
legislation; the application of skills and competencies required in establishing an effective HCM; the management of high performance work
cu tures; and the integration of HR management with strategic decision-making processes. This subject provides students with the practical
and analytical tools to be both proactiv e and innovative in the management of intellectual capital and how they support knowledge
Presentation: 10 min.
Q: Find out correlation between two components / variables, and dev elop a hypothesis
based on consulting and analyzing related theories and data
For example:
Training and performance.
apply these
requirement in any organization, and create for me two thinks:.
A- slides with pull point (simple)
B – A script underneath each
These slides must equivalent to 1500 words, with introduction and open the presentation, content, and conclusion.
Getting Custom Writing Service with any of your academic assignments is easy. Simply click here.