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Exposure to media and body image

How has objectification of women’s bodies in
the mass media in advertisements affect
adolescent women’s’ body image and social
Chapter 1: Introduction (Introduce question)
Chapter 2: Objectification of womens body in
advertisements in the history of mass media
195os- Present day
Western Ideal of Beauty

Chapter 3: Social learning Theory-

Explain the social learning theory in

how different ways of conceptualizing and
what people see how it change their perspective of
body image

Chapter 4- How has the exposure to mass
media affected women’s eating disorders, negative
body image, body dissatisfaction, and body
dysmorphia, etc.

Chapter 5- Conclusion / – how do they all
tie together and how do they relate- implication for
counselling field and implications for further

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Last Updated on April 25, 2020

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