Тhеоrеtiсаl Frаmеwоrk: Тhе Тrаnslаtiоn Тhеоriеs оf Еugеnе Nidа, Реtеr Nеwmаrk, Bееkmаn аnd Саllоw, аnd Сhristiаnе Nоrd аlоng with а highlight оn Dаvid Kаtаn’s сulturаl thеоry оn trаnslаtiоn.
Within the translation field and with special reference to the translation of sacred texts: provide a CRITICAL DISCUSSION on the theories
1- Eugene Nida
2- Peter Newmark
3- Beekman and Callow’s (1974) Model
3- Christiane Nord
4- Dav id Katan’s cultural theory (see
chapters5.7. and 8 in his book)
Take into consideration the following:
1- How do they define translation?
2- What are their views
towards equivalence in translation?
3- Hhilaw cg? they deal with translating figures of speech (such as metaphor and metonymy and
suc ike
4- What are their approaches to translation? Is it linguistic. functional. and suchlike?
5- Do they provide a specific model,
strategy or proceduresfortranslation and what are they?
6- What are the adv antages and disadvantages (pros and cons) of their theories?
{shower words,what are the drawback (downside)? If there is any then who criticised them and
‘Please DO NOT use
online sources UNLESSthey are academic, such as academic journals and suchlike.