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Volunteer hours paper essay


  1. Select a not-for-profit or not-for-profits at which to volunteer for no fewer than four hours.
  2. Conduct research on the services the not-for-profit provides to the community (before volunteering at the not-for-profit).
  3. Find out whether you can volunteer or provide service without a background check.
  4. Follow paper structure after you have conducted your four hours of volunteering.

Paper Length: 4 pages (no more, no less)

Page 1: Summarize your volunteer experience

  • Description of the not-for profit
  • Description of the services the not-for-profit provides to the community
  • Description of the service/volunteer activity (what you did to help the organization)
  • Focus on the activities that involved ethics, social responsibility and 3 significant concepts related to this course.

Page 2: React to your volunteer experience

  • Do not express whether you thought the activity was boring, unhelpful, or a requirement
  • Use “I,” but do not use an informal or unprofessional tone
  • Make sure that this section is coherent and well organized (do not fall into the ramblings associated with a “free-flow of consciousness”)
  • Do express your reaction to events/activities that occurred that relate to this course
  • Do express how you may have acted/reacted under similar circumstances

Page 3: Analysis—connecting your volunteer experience to course material

  • What did this activity teach you about: Activism, Democracy, Ethics, Leadership, Social Responsibility and 2 major concepts discussed in this course (you will be counted off for not discussing all pillars in this course and at least 2 major concepts from this course)

Page 4: Work Cited

  • Use APA citation style
  • Cite the organization’s website or the person you spoke to about the organization.
  • Cite websites or texts used
  • Make sure that if your entry is two lines in length that you indent the correct line (the second line

Additional requirements:

  • Do not include a cover page (it is not necessary since you will be submitting your paper via the Blackboard site)
  • Name in right hand corner of page #1 only
  • Header with last name and page number on every page
  • Title: Volunteer Paper centered directly below name (SHIFT+ENTER one time below your name, SHIFT+ENTER one time below title of paper).
  • Double-spaced
  • 10-12 point font
  • Standard (that is, not funky) font (Times New Roman or Arial)
  • Standard margins (1 inch all the way around)
  • Standard indent at the beginning of each paragraph
  • Succinct introduction that introduces the nonprofit you volunteered at and the major concepts you will discuss
  • Succinct conclusion that ties everything together

Warning: You will earn a deficient grade (D+ or below) for committing any one of the following critical errors:

  • Not introducing, in your first paragraph, the not-for-profit and the five concepts that will discuss
  • Not discussing all pillars of course and at least 2 major concepts from this course throughout the paper
  • Not following the paper structure (to a tee)
  • Incorrectly formatting your work-cited page (should be in APA formatting, please use the paper resource guide to cite correctly)
  • Using other sources
  • Plagiarizing (representing someone else’s work as your own)


Last Updated on May 5, 2019

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