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Human Service Assignment- 3 Parts

Program Development Plan: 3 Parts

APA Format
Part 1: 2 pages
Part 2: 5 pages
Part 3: 2 pages

Creating New Human Services Organizations

Part 1:

Identify the Need and Create Your Organization

Based upon a Community Needs Assessment, determine what gaps in service exist in your community. Your instructor will help identify sources of a needs assessment or community plan that outlines such recent research. A United Way agency may be a good starting place. If no local community needs assessment has been formally conducted, choose a service that you have good reason to believe is needed in your community.

You will then spend the next 8 weeks developing a step by step approach to creating a new human services agency to serve this population. In this first step, you will decide what type of agency and service you want to develop.

Think about vulnerable populations that may be underserved such as aging adults, 3 homeless mothers and their children, runaway youth, chronically unemployed and impoverished adults, drug and alcohol addicted teens, disabled children and adults, mentally ill people, and families who lack sufficient financial resources to meet their needs.

You may also find that supportive services such as community recreational programs, daycare centers in low income areas, neighborhood playgrounds, parent education resources, counseling, and job training are programs that will prevent residents from needing crisis intervention services in the future. These types of programs may also be considered.
In this step you will determine what type of new service you will develop.

Complete a 2-page proposal describing the type of service you will develop, agency auspices, (private for-profit, nonprofit, social entrepreneurship) size of agency, location, ages served, and justification for the need based upon a community needs assessment or other information you have researched.

Will you develop your agency yourself or partner with another individual or community agency? Will you need to submit your proposal to anyone in your community for approval? APA referencing will be required for this assignment. Use of the Scott textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-4, the Keohane textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-4, and the Start Your Own Business textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 1-3 is also required. How does your idea relate to the Saint Leo core Value of Excellence?

Part 2:

Business Plan

Now that you have approval for your idea, you are on your way to developing a new human services organization in your community. Develop a Business Plan for your new program after some considerable research. Begin by designing your Mission Statement. Are you considering a non-profit agency? If so, you will need a volunteer Board of Trustees.

Consider how many people will serve on your board and when it will meet. What will the make-up of your board look like? If it is a for-profit organization or social entrepreneurship think about how you will incorporate your agency. Also, how many employees do you anticipate hiring? Will you use paid, professional staff or volunteers? Think about where your service will be provided. How much money will you need to get started?

How will you fund the program? Will you charge a fee for services? Choose your organization’s name. Develop a strategic five-year plan and timeline. How will you market your new service and to what audience? Use of the Start Your Own Business textbook with reference to concepts in Chapters 6-10, plus 2 other outside scholarly resources are required. This assignment will be 5 pages and APA referencing is required.

Part 3:


Develop an annual budget for your agency. Remember that your revenue and expenses must match. Your budget must be balanced and indicate where the funding is coming from in your revenue area. Consider realistic sources. Keep in mind the number of people you will serve, cost of service per person, the costs of employees and related benefits.

Use of the Scott text with reference to concepts in Chapter 12, and use of the Start Your Own Business text with reference to Chapters 38-40, and use of the Keohane text with reference to concepts from Chapters 8-9 is required. This assignment requires 2 pages (minimum) of content. APA formatting is required.

Last Updated on December 29, 2019

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