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HANDOUT 1.1 – Elements of Leadership



Leadership is the influencing process of leaders and followers to achieve organizational objectives through change. There are five key elements of the definition of leadership, which are discussed below.

  1. Leader–Followers

Good followers perform leadership roles when needed. And followers influence leaders. Thus, in our definition of leadership, the influencing process is between leaders and followers, not just a leader influencing followers. Knowing how to lead and developing leadership skills will make you a better leader and follower.


Leadership is part of a manager’s job. However, there are managers who are not effective leaders. There are also non-managers who have great influence on managers and peers. Therefore, in this book we do not use the terms manager and leader interchangeably. The term manager means a person who has a formal title and authority. The term leader means a person who may be either a manager or a non-manager. A leader always has the ability to influence others; a manager may not. Thus, a leader is not necessarily a person who holds some formal position such as a manager.


A follower is a person who is being influenced by a leader. A follower can be a manager or a non-manager. Good followers are not “yes people” who simply follow the leader without giving input that influences the leader. In short, effective leaders influence followers, and their followers influence them. The qualities needed for effective leadership are the same as those needed to be an effective follower.



Recall a present or past job. Were you both a leader and a follower? Explain.

  1. Influence

Influencing is the process of a leader communicating ideas, gaining acceptance of them, and motivating followers to support and implement the ideas through change.

Leaders and followers often change roles throughout the influencing process.



Briefly explain the influencing relationship between the leader and followers where you work(ed).

  1. Organizational Objectives

Effective leaders influence followers to think not only of their own interests but also of the interest of the organization through a shared vision. Leadership occurs when followers are influenced to do what is ethical and beneficial for the organization and themselves.



State one or more objectives from an organization where you work(ed).

  1. Change

Influencing and setting objectives is about change. Organizations need to continually change, in adapting to the rapidly changing global environment.


Leadership involves influencing followers to bring about change toward a desired future for the organization.

To be an effective leader and follower you must be open to change. The people who advance in organizations are those who are willing to take a risk and try new things.



Are the managers where you work(ed) effective at influencing the followers to bring about change? Explain.

  1. People

Effective leaders and followers enjoy working with people and helping them succeed.


Research, experience, and common sense all point to a direct relationship between a company’s financial success and its commitment to leadership practices that treat people as assets.



Do managers where you work(ed) treat their employees as valuable assets? Explain.


Chapter 1

Understanding Leadership


Chapter Summary



  1. Leadership Explained


  1. Trait Approach
  2. Behavior Approach
  3. Situational Approach
  4. Relational Approach
  5. “New Leadership” Approach
  6. Emerging Leadership Approaches


  1. Global Leadership Attributes


  1. American Perspective
  2. The GLOBE Studies


  • Practicing Leadership
    1. Demand for Leadership
    2. Effective Leadership


  1. Leadership Snapshot


  1. IndraNooyi, CEO, PepsiCo


  1. Case Study: King of the Hill



Chapter 1

Understanding Leadership


Chapter objectives


  1. Review the evolution of leadership.
  2. Examine the different perspectives on leadership.
  3. Understand the impact of culture on leader effectiveness.


Lecture Notes



  • Whichdimension of leadership seems closest to how you think of leadership?
  • How would you define leadership?



  1. Defining Leadership
    1. The evolution of leadership
      1. Leadership has been the topic of extensive literature for centuries.
      2. Studies of leadership have emerged from every discipline.
      3. As a result, there are many approaches to leadership.
    2. Leadership is a trait.
      1. Early trait theories were called “Great Man” theories.
      2. Identification of “The Big 5” personality factors
      3. Definition: A trait is a distinguishing quality of an individual, which is often inherited. Thus the view that, “leaders are born, not made.”
      4. Most important is that leaders have the traits that a particular situation demands.
      5. Effective leadership is a result of utilizing the right traits at the right time.
    3. Leadership is ability.
      1. Definition: Ability refers to a natural capacity, but can be acquired.
      2. Example: Athletic ability can be both innate and learned through exercise and practice.
      3. Individual’s abilities create outstanding leadership.
      4. UCLA Coach John Wooden’s four principles: explanation, demonstration, imitation, and repetition.
    4. Leadership is a skill.
      1. Definition: Skill is a competency developed to accomplish a task effectively.
      2. Example: Fund-raising
      3. People can learn or develop competencies.
    5. Leadership is a behavior.
      1. Research began in 1930s at OhioStateUniversity and University of Michigan on how leaders act in small groups.
      2. Definition: Behavior is what leaders do when in a leadership role; observable actions.
      3. Task behaviors get the job done.
      4. Process behaviors help people feel comfortable with other group members and feel included.
      5. Challenge for leaders is to combine the two behaviors to achieve desired outcomes.
    6. Leadership is situational.
      1. Premise is that different situations demand different kinds of leadership.
      2. Serious research began in 1960s with Hersey, Blanchard and Reddin.
      3. Path goal theory and contingency theory are outgrowths of this early research.
    7. Leadership is a relationship.
      1. Research began in the 1990s.
      2. Research evolved into Leader-Member Exchange Theory, which predicts that high quality relations generate more positive leader outcomes than lower-quality relations.
      3. Leadership is not one-way, but interactive.
      4. Leadership is not restricted to the formally designated leader in a group.
      5. Ethical overtone; working together for a common good.
    8. Leadership is transformational.
      1. Research began in the mid 1980s.
      2. Leadership can change people and organizations.
      3. Charismatic leadership.
    9. Leadership is multi-dimensional.
      1. Authentic leadership
      2. Spiritual leadership
      3. Servant leadership
      4. Gendered leadership
      5. Cultural and global leadership
    10. Leadership is an influence process.
      1. Definition: Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.
      2. Not a trait or ability but interactive event.
      3. Stresses common goals.
      4. Leadership and management overlap at times.
      5. Managers are people who do things right, whereas leaders are people who do the right thing.


  1. Global Leadership Attributes
    1. Are there global leadership attributes?
    2. The leadership concepts in this book are from an American perspective.
    3. The GLOBE studies (2004)
      1. Surveyed 17,000 people in 62 countries
      2. Identified 22 positive leader attributes, 8 negative leader attributes.


  • Practicing Leadership
    1. Strong demand for effective leadership today.
    2. Effective leadership is intended influence that creates change for the greater good.
    3. Challenge is for each of us to be prepared to lead when we are asked to.


  1. Leadership Snapshot
    1. IndraNooyi, CEO, PepsiCo
    2. One of top female executives in the US.
    3. Masters in Management from Yale
    4. Chief dealmaker for PepsiCo during Tropicana and Quaker Oats acquisitions.
    5. Invested in R&D to create healthy alternatives to traditional snack products.


  1. Case Study


Last Updated on February 11, 2019

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