A Christian Theologian
Write a Paper on a modern Christian theologian (e.g. K. Barth, K. Rahner, P Tillich, J. Moltman, B.F. Lonergan, J.B. Metz, H. U von Balthazar, H. de Lubac, Elizabeth Schlussler Fiorenza, G. Gutierrez or one approved by the instructor). Situate the theologian in his/her historical context; indicate something of his/her biography as relevant to his/her theology; what is the method of the theologian; what is his/her main theological significance/contribution? Give some overall evaluation.Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Vat II
Indicate the occasion and agenda of Vat II; briefly outline the history and theological evolution of the Council; examine a particular text of Vat II – what is the significance of this text; how does it break new ground and also stand in continuity with previous tradition. Any significant post-Vat II developments? Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Christian Feminist Theology
What is Christian Feminist Theology and what are its concerns? This is not a Paper on feminism per se. How does it do theology? Indicate different feminist theological approaches – radical and reform in particular. Reference the issue of the gendering of God. While remaining within the RC tradition (out of which feminist theology emerged) reference briefly Christian Feminist theology influence or parallels with feminist theology in other religions.Critique feminist theology.Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Christian Liberation Theology
What is the background, method and characteristics of Liberation Theology? Indicate the historical development of Liberation Theology. Relate the method and agenda of Liberation Theology and ‘traditional theology’. Critique Liberation Theology.Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Christian Eschatology
Give a Christian understanding of Eschatology – ‘last things’ (death, judgment, heaven/hell). Distinguish between individual and general eschatologySituate Christian Eschatology in the context of Christ’s death and resurrection. Is eschatology relevant only to the end of life or can it be integrated into our now experience of living? Explain your understanding to a modern, non-theological audience. No more than a brief paragraph or a footnote should be given to Millennialism.Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Christian Salvation
What ‘content’ would you give to the concept salvation in the Christian tradition? With reference to theological positions, indicate how significant theologians demonstrate the Christ-event as salvific. Indicate and evaluate a model for understanding the death and resurrection of Jesus as a salvific event. Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
- Scope of Christian Salvation
From a Christian perspective is salvation available outside the Christian experience? Indicate the inclusive and exclusive attitudes regarding the scope of Christian salvation. Indicate and critique K. Rahner’s theory of the anonymous Christian. What is the Vat II position on the question of the scope of salvation (refer to Vat II texts)?Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
Original Sin
Distinguish ‘original sin’ from ‘personal sin’. What is ‘sin of the world’ (not Jn 1:29 –see Henri Rondet), ‘structural sin’? Does original sin impact on how one understands the universal human condition? What implications for salvation does original sin raise?Explain this to a modern, non-theological audience which preserving theological content.
- Comparative Religion/theology
If you background is non-Christian, trace leading comparisons and differences between the faith belief of your religion and Christianity (avoid the obvious and simplistic, do not avoid contemporary issues).
A paper title is possible upon prior approval of the Professor – such alternatives must be presented in typed form well in advance of the due date. A non-approved Paper topic will be not be accepted.