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The Russia-Ukraine War Essay Sample

The Russia-Ukraine war has impacted the global economy and has also put border security at risk. If the USA were to send weapons over to Ukraine, it would be seen by certain countries as an act of war. The USA is not fighting this war and has the right to send weapons over. The USA should be a mediator in this conflict, but it would also be naive for the USA not to send weapons as an act of protection. The USA should support Ukraine as it is fighting for its sovereignty. This act of support for Ukraine may deter any further action by Russia. The USA is a sovereign state and should send weapons to Ukraine and indirectly play a part in the Russia-Ukraine war, as this will deter any further action by Russia and demonstrate USA’s desire to protect Ukraine.

The US should send weapons to Ukraine and indirectly play a part in the Russia-Ukraine war because it will deter any further action by Russia. If Russia knows that Ukraine is being given weapons from the United States, it will not want to attack because it won’t be sure of any outcome of this action. It will show that the United States is ready to go to war with Russia and has the weapons necessary to do so (Vajriyati et al., 2022). The United States can fly in weapons for Ukrainian troops, and Russia doesn’t. This support for Ukraine will put a stop to Russian expansion against Ukraine and its sovereignty (Beauchamp, 2022). It will also show that Ukraine has a powerful ally in the United States and that Ukrainian people should fight for their country and their freedom against Russia (U.S. Department of State, 2022). This support will prove to be vitally important to Ukraine in deterring Russia and preventing further Russian expansion against Ukraine.

Furthermore, sending weapons over to Ukraine and indirectly taking part in the Russia-Ukraine war will demonstrate the USA’s desire to protect the people of Ukraine. The sovereignty of Ukraine should be protected and guaranteed by the international community. Some countries, such as Russia, do not recognize the government of Ukraine (Beauchamp, 2022). This country is refusing to recognize the will of the Ukrainian people. The US is not fighting any war; therefore, they should have the liberty to send weapons so that other states won’t think that they have a chance at winning this conflict with Russia or any other countries involved in this conflict. The USA has a responsibility to protect its country and its people outside of the country (Klippenstein & Sirota, 2022). The United States should send weapons to Ukraine as it is protecting its sovereignty by sending weapons that protect the people of Ukraine.

Moreover, Ukraine’s political stability is important for access to the European market, trade agreements, and security on its borders with Europe. The US will benefit from having a stable Ukraine because it will have continued access to the European market, trade agreements, and security. Ukraine is central to Russian interests in gas and oil pipelines connecting Moscow with Western Europe and Turkey (Klippenstein & Sirota, 2022). Russia does not want Ukraine to become economically strong so that it won’t have any leverage over Russia. The US should support Ukraine as it is a large market in Europe that can be accessed by exporting American products and services. The US has a large European trade market and they need Ukraine to be stable and free of interference to continue this trade (Beauchamp, 2022). The US is a strong country economically and does not want to see a country on its borders economically strengthen Russia and gain power over the European market because this could affect America in the future (Vajriyati et al., 2022). Therefore, the United States should aid Ukraine by sending weapons to deter further Russian expansion against this country.

The United States should send weapons to Ukraine and indirectly participate in the conflict because if it does not, it will encourage further Russian expansion against Ukraine. The involvement of the USA will deter any further action by Russia and demonstrate that it is ready for war with Russia if necessary. It will also show that the United States is committed to protecting the sovereignty of Ukraine and its people. This will enable Ukraine to maintain political stability and to have continued access to the European market, trade agreements, and security on its borders with Europe.



Beauchamp, Z. (2022, March 3). How the US and its Allies can help Ukraine without starting World War III? Vox.

Clem, R. S. (2017). Clearing the Fog of War: public versus official sources and geopolitical storylines in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Eurasian Geography and Economics58(6), 592-612.

Klippenstein & Sirota. (2022, March 17). The U.S. quietly assists Ukraine with intelligence, avoiding confrontation with Russia. The Intercept.

U.S. Department of State. (2022, November 4). U.S. security cooperation with Ukraine. United States Department of State.

Vajriyati, S., Basuki, L. W., Lessy, A. K., Anieda, K. I., Kuswoyo, L. C., & Meristiana, M. (2022). THE EFFECT OF THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE CONFLICT ON THE POTENTIAL USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Journal of Social Political Sciences3(3), 235-267.

Last Updated on April 25, 2023

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