Week 2 Discussion Forum: The Leadership Challenge
See the Learning Outcomes for Week 2.
Please review the following urls for The Leadership Challenge text and discuss one thing you learned from the website. Please make your first post by Tuesday 6pm and then comment on at least 2 other posts by 6pm on Friday. This discussion thread is worth 20 points. Take the time to explore this site and learn more about the authors, research that the principles are based on, case studies, and how to expand your skills.
You will also be discussing The Leadership Challenge in your journal entry for week 2.
Also, be thinking about how the 5 practices of TLC compare and contrast with the SBL strengths. You will be discussing the compare/contrast in your leadership journal in week 3.
The Leadership Challenge main website:
http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Additional information on “The Leadership Challenge” is below for your information. The research behind the 5 practices includes the “leadership practices inventory (LPI)” assessment tool see below:
“As measured and validated by the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)—one of the most widely used leadership assessment instruments in the world—ongoing studies consistently confirm that The Five Practices and our assessment tools are positively related to both the effectiveness of leaders and the level of commitment, engagement, and satisfaction of those that follow.
Tips and Techniques for The Leadership Challenge provides exercises, videos, etc.
http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-131339.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Please also note the research behind “The Leadership Challenge” 5 practices which should be part of your historical background if you chose to apply these concepts in your research paper. Information about the “leadership practices”, the authors’ approach and additional research can be found below:
http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/about.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/About-section-Our-Approach.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
and additional research articles:
http://www.leadershipchallenge.com/research.aspx (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.