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The concept of morality

The concept of morality and how the characters justify their behavior outwardly or inwardly in the story “The Shawl” by Cynthia Ozick

Write an essay in which you analyze your interpretation based on the concept of morality and how the characters justify their behavior

outwardly or inwardly in the story “The Shawl” by Cynthia Ozick. Be sure to deal with the concept of right and wrong in general and

applying it to the story. The essay should be thesis based and driven. The introduction needs to introduce the literature and lead into

the thesis about the theme of the story. The thesis should be the final sentences of the introduction paragraph. Then, the supporting

paragraphs need to start with a topic sentence related to the thesis and the information within the paragraphs needs to be focused on

proving the topic sentence through the use of quotes and summaries from the story. Which needs to be properly cited in MLA format. Please

do not just do a plot summary of the story. You need to prove your interpretation of the themes of the story. The conclusion should wrap

up the main point that you have proven about the topic. Please do not do any outside research for this essay . If any outside research is

identified in the essay, it will receive an automatic 0. Please complete the essay as a Microsoft Word document. It should be in proper

MLA format. The essay should be written in third person. The essay should not contain words in first and second person perspective as for

example: I, mine, me, myself, you, yours, and yourself. The essay should be approximately 700 to 1000 words, or 3 full pages, double


Last Updated on March 16, 2018

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