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The Affordable Care Act – ACA ObamaCare

Obama Care

Project is a write-up on The Affordable Care Act – ACA (ObamaCare) as defined below. Successful completion requires that student conveys, in writing, a deep understanding of key factors with supporting concepts learned throughout the course. The final project write-up will have a Minimum of twelve (12) Pages and shall not exceed fifteen (15) pages using the formatting guide specified below. Project Grade will be a maximum of 50 points.s
following sections:

The Affordable Care Act – ACA

(Start a new Page for each Section and put titles of each Section)

Maximum 15 Pages

Minimum 12 Pages

o Cover Page as described below

1 page Min.

o What is the ACA? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Describe ACA

2 pages Min.

o Why (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. has ACA been so opposed?

1 page Min.

o Total Costs of the Affordable Care Act

1 page Min.

o Impact of ACA Small Business (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

1 page Min.

o What are the Health Insurance Exchange (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.s

1 page Min.

o Impact on Medicaid and Medicare

1 page Min.

o ACA Pros and Cons (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

1 page Min.

o Conclusion: Is the ACA good for the USA?

1 page Min.

o What would you change?

1 page Min.

o References and Bibliography

1 page Min.

Last Updated on February 3, 2018

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